Et oppsett med Rogers LS3/5A & AB1 høytalere på KLIAV 2011 i Malaysia.
Pre og effekt er FMA 155 og 1 par 108.
The system took a big step forward compared to last year. The sound is open, relaxed & musical, accurate with fine scaling in terms of sizes and proportion of vocals and instruments, and with dynamic capabilities in amplitude, range and rise/fall when called for by the music. It reminds me of a polite gentleman but with plenty of reserves to be unleashed underneath the nice mannered, perhaps like James Bond 007?
Loudspeakers: Rogers LS3/5A 60th Anniversary Edition
DAC: Bryston BDA-I External DAC
Player: Bryston BDP-I Digital Player
Preamp: FM Acoustics Resolution Series FM 155
Power amp: FM Acoustics Resolution Series FM 108 mono (1st pair in Malaysia)
Racks: locally made (Tong Lee Company)