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    ArneM´s OB i andre utgave (AE Dipole 15 LO++)

    Fortell meg, hvordan koblet du de to AE 15-ene mellom dem? Jeg jobber med et Open Baffle-prosjekt, og nå er jeg litt forvirret over hvordan jeg kobler de to AE 15-D16 for å få 4 Ohm. Og om mulig, et spørsmål til. Har du noen gang fjernet bakdekselet på Beyma TPL150? Skal jeg i så fall fjerne...
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    They are beautiful, congratulations.
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Johnny, if it helps, your boxes will also have number buttons. Not as in the original, but as in the picture. In the picture are samples of buttons for other cases (to see how it is written), yours are already packed. To write as in the original, there must be large quantities.
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    Nelson Pass F 5 Turbo V 3 Bias

    Hi:) Bias XA160.5 it is 3.2A http://www.firstwatt.com/pdf/art_leave_classa.pdf
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, I'm glad , we look forward to new advances of yours :) BR!
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Johnny , Did you get mail from me?:)
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, I do not worry, I do not have a standby relay. My Amplifier (Chinese version with 24 MOSFETs on the radiator) at 3.6 A bias is warming up to 50 degrees very fast. I wonder how it will be when I have 36 MOSFETs on a radiator and a higher current due to CCS ... We'll see :) I'm a bit...
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, "Something that I dont find, is a flatcable connector for the meter in the frontpanel ? And what about the the standby relay, can't see that ?" - I gave up on them, I do not use them. "Do the driver pcb's have bias measurement points ?" - are on Output pcb . "Output pcb's: Looks...
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    I personally recommend you to measure them once more, to be sure they are perfect matshecd. We had unpleasant surprises from sets bought from trusted people on diyaudio. Here's what the Vgs looks like at 36 pairs of IRFP9240 (left curve). On all 36 IRFP240 was written Vgs 3.14. Actually it was...
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    I cut a board 500x500mm and I mounted the wheels from Hornbach DIY store :) It was much easier to assemble her amplifier.
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, I'm glad you appreciated my amplifiers, mean a lot to me :) Especially as these words come from a perfectionist as you ! Good luck and all the best! Your friend,Vitali
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Excuse me, something I did not do well :( But I do not know how to correct :) Thank you!
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, One question :) You said you Toroidy a transformer of 3000VA. You tried to put him in charge? I have used in the new project 2500 VA transformers from Toroidy. At a bias of 3.6 A had a very strong mechanical noise. I tried DC filter, snuber, CRCCC, CLCC, NTC60 - no good result. I...
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny :) I buy vers. 3. Best regards!
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    I have used this model softstart. Unfortunately after 2 weeks one of stuck and I could not stop XA160. I have replaced with another, over a month the same thing happened. Now I have this softstart and go ok. Connexelectronic Regards.
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, Between copper plate and the aluminum plate 4mm I put thermal compound. We have seen that the diode temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Also very important is the length and positioning wires from the transformer to the diode, the diode and the capacitor. If the wires from the...
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    Ine bygger High End Amplifiers

    Hi Johnny, Please look here Select & Volume | AKOUO Audio Solutions | DIY | Sabre | JRC | MUSES72320 It is a phenomenal volume regulator ! This chip is used in XO30 Nelson Pass. Better than DACT, transformer volume, I checked :) Congratulations, very well done so far! Best regards...
Topp Bunn