Det er mange forskjellige veier å gå her.
Flotte komponenter du har,men ser ut som de fleste styrer mot en retning.
Dcs nautral litt laidback.
Kimber varmt & fyldig.
Nemo varm og fyldig.
Focal Electra sitat Stereophile: The Electra 1037s had limitations at the extremes of frequency and dynamics, and their soundstaging was less than expansive. If I had to assign any negative attribute to the Focal's overall presentation, it would be that it was on the somewhat dry and reserved side. But if you crave real detail, accurate instrumental timbres, rhythmic certitude, utter transparency, overall coherence, musical believability, and—especially—a speaker that, while it might not bowl you over on first hearing, over the long run will keep bringing you back to the listening room, and keep you happy and enthralled through every listening session, I can't imagine a better $11,000 candidate than the Focal Electra 1037 Be. When the design expertise that went into this loudspeaker is applied to a refreshing of the top of Focal's line, watch out.
Mine råd/mening & alternativer:
Har du prøvd Nordost sort kone under Nemo? regner med disse strammer skikkelig opp i bassen hos deg også.
Testet andre ht kabler? vil tro att en nordost frey eller valhalla ville strammet opp og gitt en mye mere kontant bass.
Testet nordost norse jumpers? (MÅ VÆRE INNBRENT) strammer opp skikkelig i bassen.
Skikkelig nett kabel på ampene? Ville også gitt en mye mere kontant bass.Ps-audio og topp kablene til nordost kunne vært gode alternativer.
Bytte ut Dcs. Wadia,mark levinson,Krell osv har mange alternativer.Dac med volum,potente pre amper osv.
Bytte ht.Wilson,Burmester,audio physics,Gallo,audiovector og system audio,kunne vært gode alternativer.