As always with Covid measures, a seemingly modest policy will rapidly turn into something far more comprehensive and damaging
I feel sorry for the hospitality industry, ravaged as it has been by Covid-19. But there is one sector of the industry with which we may soon find our sympathy wearing thin: the chains who run airport hotels. They are about to be delivered a highly remunerative stream of captive "guests".
Never mind the faded, stained carpets, the bashed chipboard furniture and dismal fried breakfast: these guests won’t be any checking out early. Australian-style hotel quarantine is going to transform every hotel along the Bath Road into a Hotel California, with inmates reportedly to be charged £1,500 for a 10-day stay. Last time I stayed in a Heathrow hotel it cost £60 a night for the two of us. I know there is supposed to be food included in your special quarantine deal, but not £100 a day’s worth. And the hotels won’t even have to change the sheets in those 10 days – indeed, it looks as if they will be forbidden from doing so.
Don’t expect the quarantine rules to continue only to apply to arrivals from the
30 countries named today. We’ve seen it over and over again through this pandemic, with air corridors, tier restrictions, lockdowns: what begins as a seemingly modest measure rapidly escalates into something rather more comprehensive. Before we know it there will be another 10 countries added to the quarantine list, then another 10, and then it will be a tidying up exercise to add in all the rest.
There was a time when closing our borders – at least to incoming flights from China – would have made sense. But that was a year ago. At that point, we were relatively Covid-free, but we did nothing at all to limit arrivals or to insist that they were kept out of circulation. Yet now, when we have one of the highest infection rates in the world, we are suddenly moved to introduce one of the toughest quarantine regimes of any country. If I were the Prime Minister’s strategist I would advise him quickly to drop his nickname for the Leader of the Opposition: Captain Hindsight. The word "backfire" springs to mind.
It is easy to look at the modest death tolls in Australia and New Zealand, whose zero-Covid policies have been sustained by tough quarantine rules, and envy them. Yet once you have established a zero-Covid policy, how do you ever reopen your country to a world where the virus has become endemic? Last weekend, New Zealand considered another lockdown in response to a single case of Covid-19. If that is the criteria, the country will never be able to reopen. It will forever remain off-limits to all but a handful of travellers who are prepared to spend a couple of weeks marooned in an Auckland airport hotel.
The Government’s reasoning for hotel-based quarantine seems to be that, as vaccinations bring Covid-19 under control in Britain, we need to protect ourselves against possible new strains that develop abroad and that
might turn out to be vaccine-resistant. Then again, if a vaccine-resistant strain does emerge you would expect it to be in a country that is most advanced in its use of vaccines – such as Britain.
We need to be on the lookout for new variants and to be able to adjust our vaccines to deal with them. Moreover, we should be stepping up international efforts to get vaccines distributed globally as soon as possible. We should be testing arrivals, but to charge them a fortune to spend two weeks in crappy hotels looks more symbolic than practical.
The irony is that, until Covid came along, it was considered nasty and Right-wing to want to close borders, to incarcerate migrants and treat foreigners as if they are all diseased. Remember the reaction when Nigel Farage said he wanted to turn away people with HIV? Now closing borders is considered to be the enlightened policy, and only nasty Right-wingers would want to oppose it. What a strange, upside-down world Covid-19 has created.