Æ gir mæ no faen - d ække min pakke.
Snart lunsj?
Æ gir mæ no faen - d ække min pakke.
Akkurat sånn er det.Æ gir mæ no faen - d ække min pakke.
Snart lunsj?
Maursluker i bånd?
det er til å gråte av
Tanken slår meg. Av alle mulige bransjer som muligens kunne trengt å sette av noen kroner til PR-konsulenter, kanskje PR-byråene, gjerne i fellesskap, skulle stilt seg først i køen?det er til å gråte av![]()
Ja, jeg hørte på radioen at hvis man syklet i fylla kunne man skade seg alvorlig. No shit, Einstein.
Det var da enda godt...
A man and a woman are seated next to each other on a flight. They start eying each other, and both realize they want to do the same thing. He slips a condom out of his pocket, and she looks delighted. Rear toilet? He suggests. Five minutes, she agrees and goes off. He waits five minutes, then goes and slips in there with her. Right, get that condom on, she says. Soon, they are both sighing with pleasure. But a sharp eyed stewardess has noticed them, and realized what they are up to. So, she humiliates them by making an announcement over the PA system. "To the lady and gentleman in the rear toilet, we know what you are doing, and it is expressly forbidden by airline regulations. Now, please put those cigarettes out and take the condom off the smoke detector." > > > > > > And what were you thinking? I worry about you sometimes! |
Heil nizzen!
De har i alle fall sluttet å halshugge folk slik de gjorde før, og muslingene ennå gjør!