Reis på trafikksafari til Vietnam. Hjertelig anbefaling.Den kvalifiserer til stooor bot og førerkortbeslag! Hvis han prøver å flytte bilen med det lasset!
Det var akkurat det som skjedde....Den kvalifiserer til stooor bot og førerkortbeslag! Hvis han prøver å flytte bilen med det lasset!
(William S. Burroughs' advice for the young)Beware of whores who say the don't want money. The hell they don't. What they mean is that they want more money; much more, these are the most expensive whores what can be got. kvalifiserer til stooor bot og førerkortbeslag! Hvis han prøver å flytte bilen med det lasset!
Det spørs - han ble meldt til politiet, så da ryker vel lappen der...Her er en annen bilist. Han beholdt lappen av en eller annen grunn.
For å være helt ærlig så kan jeg faktisk styre min begeistring........!Forklaringen bør selvsagt være "i like porn" .. hvem gjør ikke det?
UK er også større økonomi enn India målt i BNP.Hm. California har større økonomi enn India.
Johan-KrRiding in the ranks of the 2eme Carabiniers was 23-year-old trooper François-Antoine Fauveau. A recent recruit, Fauveau’s height of 1.79 metres gave him the ideal stature for a heavy cavalry regiment. These, after all, were intended to be big men on big horses, riding down the enemy by the weight of their charge. The young man’s service papers also record that he had a “long, freckled face with a large forehead, blue eyes, hooked nose, and a small mouth”.
During the afternoon of 18 June, the Carabiniers, along with the rest of the French heavy cavalry, were thrown repeatedly against the squares of allied infantry on the ridge forming the centre-right of Wellington’s line. As the cavalry charged, allied gunners kept them under fire until the last moment before dashing for the safety of their supporting infantry, and it was from one of their guns that Fauveau received his death-wound. Although impressive to look at, and capable of turning a sword-stroke or a pistol ball, no cuirass could deflect a cannon shot.