Jeg trodde også at statisk elektrisitet og ytterkappens dielektrikum (les kapasitans) var momenter her?
Vil tro vigtigheden af det er en faktor 100 højere.Jeg trodde også at statisk elektrisitet og ytterkappens dielektrikum (les kapasitans) var momenter her?
Dette er kabelløfter for tung hifi. Den er dessuten laget i metall, og kan sånn sett jordes for å fjerne statisk elektrisitet:Nye kablelløftere på markedet. Kun 10000/4 stk.
Få bukt på det gigantiske problemet med vibrasjon i de delikate audio kablene.
Klutz Design | Designer of High End Audio Accessories
KLUTZ DESIGN Elevated Cable Riser | Klutz Design
Vis vedlegget 413519
Jekken må brennes inn først. Det glemte jeg å nevne. Etter det kan den stå i stua uten å bære preg av garasje.Synd jekken, eh... kabelløfteren ikke er av edelt eller annet eksotisk (les: dyrt) materiale, eksempelvis fra romfartsindustrien.
Den bærer preg av litt for mye Biltema-look for finstuen, ihvertfall >![]()
Så er det streameren de kommer med.C-MARC™ is a new type of Litz wire. C-MARC’s noise reduction is based on the bucking coil method using two counter-polarized coils. Every strand's clock-wise turn aligns with a corresponding counter-clockwise turn of exactly mirrored diameter and step. The two resulting counter-polarized coils are mutually superposed. A second-scale fractal replication of the already bucking coils is then repeated. Through electrical cancellation of the induced noise, C-MARC™ provides an enormous signal-to-noise ratio in today's demanding environment.
C-MARC™ — Cutting Through the Noise all-new Laminar Streamer finally solves the problem of digital audio harshness by using only a single clock source for the formation of the pristine digital audio stream. Although the device plays .wav and .aiff files off of SD cards, LessLoss did not incorporate the use of Windows, MAC OS, or Linux for its operating system. Instead, from ground up, a dedicated audiophile operating system was built, streamlined for the specialized task of serving the topmost quality data while avoiding jitter. Unlike any other computer audio playback system, the Laminar Streamer's operating system runs synchronously at the audio sampling rate via the very same high quality audio clock used for the formation of the audio data stream. Thus, a new level of quality is achieved in digital playback, previously unattainable due to the inherent complexity of running an OS clock and an audio clock separately. The intricacies of asynchronous re-clocking, buffering, and jitter reduction have been solved at their very source, a world first for digital audio!
Ikke helt korrekt det med prisen. Kjøper du fire stykker, får du 10 prosent rabatt.Lessloss igjen med ny kabel og streamer.
"Probably the most honest company" er det 6moons sier. Ikke overaskende er lessloss sponsor på sidene til 6moons. Har enda til dags dato ikke lest en mindre god test noe sted faktisk der produsent reklamerer på enten nettsted eller i magasin. 2-3 mindre gode tester har jeg lest og fellesnevneren er at de ikke har reklamert i magasinet... Nuvel - nok om det.
Her løser de nok et kabelproblem samt laget de for massene mtp. budsjettpriser. "real world pricing".
Så er det streameren de kommer med.C-MARC™ is a new type of Litz wire. C-MARC’s noise reduction is based on the bucking coil method using two counter-polarized coils. Every strand's clock-wise turn aligns with a corresponding counter-clockwise turn of exactly mirrored diameter and step. The two resulting counter-polarized coils are mutually superposed. A second-scale fractal replication of the already bucking coils is then repeated. Through electrical cancellation of the induced noise, C-MARC™ provides an enormous signal-to-noise ratio in today's demanding environment.
C-MARC™ — Cutting Through the Noise
Det er faktisk en sd kort streamer til ca 1MILL! all-new Laminar Streamer finally solves the problem of digital audio harshness by using only a single clock source for the formation of the pristine digital audio stream. Although the device plays .wav and .aiff files off of SD cards, LessLoss did not incorporate the use of Windows, MAC OS, or Linux for its operating system. Instead, from ground up, a dedicated audiophile operating system was built, streamlined for the specialized task of serving the topmost quality data while avoiding jitter. Unlike any other computer audio playback system, the Laminar Streamer's operating system runs synchronously at the audio sampling rate via the very same high quality audio clock used for the formation of the audio data stream. Thus, a new level of quality is achieved in digital playback, previously unattainable due to the inherent complexity of running an OS clock and an audio clock separately. The intricacies of asynchronous re-clocking, buffering, and jitter reduction have been solved at their very source, a world first for digital audio!
Artig. Jeg ser for meg noen software eksperter (nerder) som bare klør i fingrene etter å få lage sitt eget operativsystem OG å få hele teknologifråtsingen finansiert på denne måten. En ting er sikkert: Vi liker å finne opp hjulet på nytt skjønner jeg. Og for the record: Det er fullt mulig å få de fleste operativsystemer nøyaktige nok, gjerne ved hjelp av real-time exentions, så dette var nok bare en halvdårlig forklaring og ikke grunnen.Så er det streameren de kommer med.
Det er faktisk en sd kort streamer til ca 1MILL! all-new Laminar Streamer finally solves the problem of digital audio harshness by using only a single clock source for the formation of the pristine digital audio stream. Although the device plays .wav and .aiff files off of SD cards, LessLoss did not incorporate the use of Windows, MAC OS, or Linux for its operating system. Instead, from ground up, a dedicated audiophile operating system was built, streamlined for the specialized task of serving the topmost quality data while avoiding jitter. Unlike any other computer audio playback system, the Laminar Streamer's operating system runs synchronously at the audio sampling rate via the very same high quality audio clock used for the formation of the audio data stream. Thus, a new level of quality is achieved in digital playback, previously unattainable due to the inherent complexity of running an OS clock and an audio clock separately. The intricacies of asynchronous re-clocking, buffering, and jitter reduction have been solved at their very source, a world first for digital audio!
Ikke helt korrekt det med prisen. Kjøper du fire stykker, får du 10 prosent rabatt.Lessloss igjen med ny kabel og streamer.
"Probably the most honest company" er det 6moons sier. Ikke overaskende er lessloss sponsor på sidene til 6moons. Har enda til dags dato ikke lest en mindre god test noe sted faktisk der produsent reklamerer på enten nettsted eller i magasin. 2-3 mindre gode tester har jeg lest og fellesnevneren er at de ikke har reklamert i magasinet... Nuvel - nok om det.
Her løser de nok et kabelproblem samt laget de for massene mtp. budsjettpriser. "real world pricing".
Så er det streameren de kommer med.C-MARC™ is a new type of Litz wire. C-MARC’s noise reduction is based on the bucking coil method using two counter-polarized coils. Every strand's clock-wise turn aligns with a corresponding counter-clockwise turn of exactly mirrored diameter and step. The two resulting counter-polarized coils are mutually superposed. A second-scale fractal replication of the already bucking coils is then repeated. Through electrical cancellation of the induced noise, C-MARC™ provides an enormous signal-to-noise ratio in today's demanding environment.
C-MARC™ — Cutting Through the Noise
Det er faktisk en sd kort streamer til ca 1MILL! all-new Laminar Streamer finally solves the problem of digital audio harshness by using only a single clock source for the formation of the pristine digital audio stream. Although the device plays .wav and .aiff files off of SD cards, LessLoss did not incorporate the use of Windows, MAC OS, or Linux for its operating system. Instead, from ground up, a dedicated audiophile operating system was built, streamlined for the specialized task of serving the topmost quality data while avoiding jitter. Unlike any other computer audio playback system, the Laminar Streamer's operating system runs synchronously at the audio sampling rate via the very same high quality audio clock used for the formation of the audio data stream. Thus, a new level of quality is achieved in digital playback, previously unattainable due to the inherent complexity of running an OS clock and an audio clock separately. The intricacies of asynchronous re-clocking, buffering, and jitter reduction have been solved at their very source, a world first for digital audio!
Akiko Audio Power Tuning Chip 3D
Akiko Audio always aspires to create a natural sound; a realistic and relaxed rendering that is able to convey to the listener the specific emotions of a performance.Akiko Audio Power Tuning Chip vergroot
The recently developed energetic Tuning Chips are able to harmonise energy currents in places that were previously inaccessible to our other tuning products. The Chip is able to do this by permanently applying harmonising energy there where the Chip has been placed. This improves the signal transmission.
The Tuning Chips each have their own size, shape and specific area of application.
Only a few Akiko Audio Tuning Chips are sufficient to raise your audio/video system’s performance to a higher level. You can expect a more relaxed rendering and increased perception of the various instruments and voices, as well as a more natural sound, reduced sharpness and richer tone colours. Multiple chips increase the effect.
The Akiko Audio Tuning Chips result from the knowledge and insight we gained by developing our other tuning products over the past years. The energetic process has been developed entirely by ourselves.
The Akiko Audio Tuning Chip: easy to observe improvements with an excellent price/quality ratio!
Power Tuning Chip 3D
The Power Tuning Chip 3D is made from an aluminium plate with a fine engraving. It has a powerful effect and is meant to be placed on the casing of your power strip, conditioner or distributor, or on a separate linear or switched power supply for your device. The Power Tuning Chip 3D comes with Blue Tack mounting material to make it possible for you to try out several locations when looking for the best one. For the final attachment the Chip is provided with a thin self-adhesive tape.
Dimensions: (length x width x height) 30mm x 15mm x 2mm.
Satisfaction guaranteed, 14 day money back guarantee.
Our goal was to develop an AC improver that could exceed the existing models of other brands and our own former E-Tuning... And we succeeded, convince yourself!
Even a great power cable can be improved with our E-tuning Gold mk II. We have done extensive testing with power cables from Heavens Gate, Nordost, Chord, Audioquest, Inakustik, Kemp Elektroniks and... Akiko Audio. Time and time again an improved sound was clearly audible.mk11 4
The 'ET' mk II is filled with a mixture of minerals and piezoelectric and paramagnetic materials and enriched with gold.
The E-Tuning Gold mkII contents are stabilized with black resin, a material which sufficiently suppresses microphony effects. This is an important condition for a calm and pleasant rendering of the music.
This all works because we applied new discoveries in the field of high frequency noise suppression. That it works has also been demonstrated through measurements: suppressing high frequency noise leads to a more pleasant music rendering in the audio spectrum.
Akiko Audio measurements
Spot on Hifisentralen er efterhånden bare for klaphatte.Mantraet her inne, særlig blant de som nesten aldri skriver noen andre steder enn off topic, er at alle blir lurt, alt billig er bra nok, forsterkere er det ikke forskjeller på, ikke cd-drivverk heller, mp3 er mer enn bra nok, at hører noen forskjeller er man gal under skalpen. Men lytterommet skal gjerne se ut som en polstret avdeling på Reitgjerdet.Burde sikkert ikke reagere slik men.....
Har aldig lest så mye selv opphøyelse noe sted...
Tråkk på alt, det er helt klart mottoet her.
Må være fint å ha enerett på både sannhet og løgn.
Snakk om å dulle seg inn i en tåke verden.
Noen av dere må ha en alvorlig trang til å hevde seg over alt og alle.
Seriøse innlegg dette her.
Tror jeg konverterer til kabel tull trådene etter denne.
Kommer helt klart ikke til å spørre om noe som helst.
Hurra for den seriøse delen av forumet.
Skulle sannelig hatt et samlingssted for hifi- og lydfrelste....
Efter dit setup at dømme virker du ikkke som en af klaphattene.Med en del av de opplevelsene enkelte påstår må være en sannhet må det nok tyngre skyts til enn klaphatte. Jeg vil påstå det trengs foliehatter når man vil beskytte de sekteriske tilstander mot naturens egne lover, hva nå enn naturen vet om highend hifi.![]()
... eller at de har glemt å ta medisinene sine....Jeg er overbevist om at gutta som skriver for 6loons går på en ganske heftig form for dop.
Det kan også være en forklaring ja.... eller at de har glemt å ta medisinene sine....Jeg er overbevist om at gutta som skriver for 6loons går på en ganske heftig form for dop.
Copulare - Stand of the Art - Tonebases by Gerhard BrandlArtdificial Coral shelf
The demonstration gets extreme airy, three-dimensional and rhythmic fleet-footed, without failing intonal substance and expression. The wide spectrum is elaborated to the smallest details, without getting an ostensible, analytic impression. Quite the contrary, the playback has a never annoying, but soft and golden tweet tone reproduction. There is a little bit more power on the lead base and it seems to have a stronger kicking bass, but several quick checks have been enough to certificate the artificial coral a larger naturalness and implicitness. Discharge resonances and extract better dynamic and more spiritedness from your equipment. 20 different sizes available. All colours and measurements
Ja, hunden er som kjent det eneste dyret som 'gjør' i begge ender....Ekstra fint med brune kabler, forresten. Ser ut som en forgylt, hodeløs hund som driter i begge ender. Høstutstillingen neste....
Product Description
Detailed Instructions
We start with ultra-pure silver that is specially processed and made into long micro-flakes. The silver flake is suspended in an organic fluid chosen for its dielectric and temperature characteristics and excellent sound. Unlike most contact treatments that merely clean or lubricate a connection, E-SST is highly conductive and must be applied with care according to the directions.
E-SST will dramatically improve the sound and/or video of any system. The highs will be more extended, cleaner, clearer and better focused. The mid-range will be more transparent with more articulation and detail, yet without harshness or glare. The bass will be stronger, tighter, and quicker. The soundstage will take on a more natural presence. With video systems, the sound improvement will be matched by the improvements to the video. Look for a cleaner, more three-dimensional picture with richer color.
” …I started in high-end audio in 1957. With all these years experience, this is one of the single highest value and return to my investment – significant improvement to the sound…” WL, customer Click on the Reviews tab to see more customer comments.
Use E-SST to treat: power cords, speaker cables, interconnects, tubes, video connectors, fuses and more. Apply E-SST to every connection in your audio and video systems for a huge improvement.
I det minste er Nordost en registrert HDMI-produsent, slik at kablene dems er (litt overraskende) lovlige. Andre anerkjente aktører, som Monster, er ikke... Ikke lett å være forbruker oppi detta
Dette er akkurat det samme som Maxwell gjorde.Nesten som Maxwell det der... Det må være veldig lønnsomt markedsmessig for Geir F å samarbeide med Geir T, selv om det er sistnevnte som stikker av med det meste av fortjenesten.