Å såpass ja, da skjønner selv en kær i provinsen tegningaSer at jeg burde vel hatt Yter kabler nå da
During my last challenging project, the "Stradivari Homage", I felt the need to use an internal wiring conductor which was not another product derived from the telecommunication industry with solutions based in radio frequency theories, but a materials solution with properties designed to handle bandwidth frequencies and power levels.
So emerged a new conductor based in conceptual and structural terms, on the following premise: the transfer of the audio signal from amplifier to speaker, and in particular those at the micro signal level, depends more on the physical structure of the metal than on the absolute value of conductivity in the wire.
Internal wiring in Stradivari Homage, Amati Anniversario and Guarneri Memento.
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Et sett høytalerkabler og et sett interconect fåes for den nette sum av rett under 20K
Om jeg minns rett, så er den karen som lager disse kablene svigersönn av salige Serbelin, så det "runs in the familiy" skal damene dine temmes, så löp og kjöp, hehe
Løp å kjøp du musicus, løp sjæl......je har itte mere "skogsdaler" igjen