HeadAmp Audio Electronics hodetelefonforsterkere og DAKer

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  • ardilla

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    Torget vurderinger
    Hovedgrunnen til å kjøpe GS-X er vel utseende og at den veldig fleksibel?
    Ellers er Audio GD M9 vel så bra
    AudioGD har høyere kvanta og economies of scale i produksjonen. Lavere pris og like bra lyd - angivelig..


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    Produksjonsvolum, -fremdrift, leveringstid, kvalitet, utførelse

    Dere har tidligere skrevet noe om produksjonsvolum, -fremdrift, leveringstid, kvalitet, utførelse m.m.

    HeadAmp Audio Electronics' bestillingsside forteller at HeadAmp GS-X mk2 "Ships in: 12 Weeks", men det stemmer sjelden i praksis hvis man ikke er så heldig at man bestiller fra en produksjonsbatch som allerede er godt i gang. Mange kunder venter mye lengre fra bestilling til levering. For øyeblikket har en del kunder i hvert fall ventet i 6 måneder.

    Justin Wilson er, så langt jeg har forstått, kjent for å ta den tid han og hans leverandører trenger for å levere produkter av meget høy kvalitet og med ditto finisj. Kvalitet går foran leveringstid. Eksempel: Hvis en leverandør går tom for en del, er han villig til å vente til den atter er tilgjengelig istedenfor å benytte en annen (og kanskje ikke like god) del.
    Nå har en del 2013-batchkunder ventet i over 1 år, og de må fremdeles vente en stund.

    En del innlegg på Head-Fi.org forteller at Justin Wilson i den senere tid (1-2 år?) har hatt problemer med i hvert fall noen av leverandørene/produsentene av kabinettdeler, spesielt ifm. aluminiumsdelene. Dette har gitt betydelige forsinkelser siden han, som tidligere beskrevet, ikke firer på kvalitetskravene og heller tar tiden til hjelp.

    Det ser dessuten ut til at Justin Wilson har blitt overrasket over den langt større etterspørselen etter GS-X mk2 enn GS-X (mk1):

    post #2387 of 2388 3/15/14 at 9:07pm
    [...] The first batch of these was 30 amps. Had it been 100 amps, there'd be no wait right now. However, when the GS-X mk1 sold about 50 units over 6 years, how was I to know?
    Produksjonsvolum og skala er tidligere belyst i innlegg:
    Takk for god info som vanlig CDW. ;)

    Ser at dette er utstyr som tøyer både tålmodighet og lommebok ganske langt.
    JohnnyH har forstått det i motsetning til en del kunder som har bestilt uten helt å ha oppfattet og tatt dette inn over seg:

    post #2368 of 2388 3/12/14 at 12:30pm
    Quote:Originally Posted by Jazz59
    Hi Justin,

    Good news. Are there an chance that the GS-X MK2 I ordered on December 1, 2013 (Silver / 230 V / DACT) in this batch ?

    This should be easy to understand if you actually read this thread (and picked up and remembered the relevant points).

    Justin Wilson wrote 10 January 2014 in post #2275:
    Quote:Originally Posted by justin w.
    [...] the end of the current batch being built, pending cancellations is mid-october.
    Hence you are in the next (ie. the 2014) batch.

    The only chances you have is:
    • If enough customers in the 2013 batch who ordered the same item/variant as you, cancel their order so you're next in line
    • Justin Wilson recently announced a few extra panels. If one of them suits you, you may have a chance
    post #2370 of 2388
    3/12/14 at 1:49pm
    • bfreedma
    • 56 Posts. Joined 2/2012
    • Location: Philadelphia Suburbs
    It's surprising (at least to me) that anyone who ordered a GS-X MK2 wasn't aware of the typical delivery timetable - the history is quite visible in this thread and others. I'm as anxious as any other buyer for my 2013 batch GS-X, but understood Justin's business model when the deposit was made. Given that all of the previous batches made it into the hands of the purchasers, I see no reason to be concerned about this batch.
    post #2374 of 2388
    3/13/14 at 12:35am
    • icebear
    • 81 Posts. Joined 1/2014
    • Location: New Jersey
    Quote:Originally Posted by Jazz59

    I do not quite understand, but I have no problem paying 100% of GS-X MK2. The problem is when will it be manufactured.

    The "when" is part of the experience
    Anyone can buy an amp and have it shipped overnight but only a few chosen ones have the patience to wait until "their batch" will be finished. ... I am also in the 2014 batch.
    post #2384 of 2388
    3/13/14 at 11:30pm
    • tvolpe1600
    • 154 Posts. Joined 6/2013
    • Location: California
    Wow these look great! Thanks for the update.

    For reference, I just checked how long it took between the final testing stage and shipment for the last batch. Based on posts and pictures, it looks like once Justin starts the final testing/burn in process, we have about a month. Hold tight - although Justin hasn't indicated what exact stage he is at now (beyond final assembly), this batch is clearly coming to an end ...
    post #2386 of 2388
    3/15/14 at 9:38am
    • cooperpwc
    • 5,664 Posts. Joined 11/2006
    • Location: China
    Funny maybe but I love the 'some things even money can't buy' aspect of waiting for this amp. It will arrive when it arrives. I'm guessing July but if it's October, that's cool. Whenever it arrives, it is going to be epic.
    post #2387 of 2388
    3/15/14 at 9:07pm
    That is certainly not my intention :)

    The first batch of these was 30 amps. Had it been 100 amps, there'd be no wait right now. However, when the GS-X mk1 sold about 50 units over 6 years, how was I to know?


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    GS-X mk2 produksjonsbatch nr. 2

    Andre produksjonsbatch av GS-X mk2, også kalt 2013-batchen, svart og sølv forsterkerdel, i tillegg kommer separat strømforsyning:

    Med Audeze LCD-XC:


    Med Audeze LCD-X:



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    Omtale av GS-X mk2

    Frank Iacone har skrevet omtalen "HeadAmp’s Stellar GSX Mk2 Balanced Headphone Amplifier" for Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile som publiserte den 11.04.2014.

    Benyttede hodetelefoner:
    • Sennheiser HD 800
    • Audeze LCD-X
    • Audeze LCD-XC
    • HiFiMAN HE-6
    • MrSpeakers Alpha Dog
    • Fostex TH900
    • JH Audio Roxanne
    • Ultimate Ears 18 Pro
    Sammenligning med:
    • Woo Audio WA5 ($4600)
    • Meier Audio Classic ($705)
    post #2672 of 2679 4/13/14 at 10:14am
    Frank's review sample which was an imperfect unit from the 1st batch last year.
    Oppfølging med respons fra Frank Iacone i tråden "The HeadAmp GS-X and GS-X MK2 Thread" f.o.m. innlegg #2634.
    Sist redigert:


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    GS-X mk2: Produksjonstid og uventet mange bestillinger

    Utdrag fra omtalen "HeadAmp’s Stellar GSX Mk2 Balanced Headphone Amplifier" ang. produksjonstid og uventet mange bestillinger:

    [h=1]Manufactures response on the long wait time[/h]

    When I need front panels, first I have to get the aluminum. I have been ordering a custom grade for this that is better for anodized parts. That takes 8 weeks to get. Then I have to have the machine shop machine the panels, that is another 8 weeks if I’m lucky. Then I have to get the panels polished and anodized, which is about 4 weeks. In total, with shipping times, it’s 20 weeks and that’s if I get an instant response from every company. So about 6 months realistically. The first batch of GS-X Mk2 was 30 amps and that wasn’t enough, so the next batch was 60 and that wasn’t enough, now the next batch will be 100. If I had built 100 in the first batch there would be zero wait time right now but I can’t predict those things. I have to be careful not to over-purchase because my margins are not that high on these amps. With the batch of 100 I expect that I will be caught up.

    Justin Wilson


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    GS-X mk2 produksjonsbatch nr. 2

    Andre produksjonsbatch av GS-X mk2, også kalt 2013-batchen, kjennetegnet av runde luftehull i topplokkene.

    post #2672 of 2679 4/13/14 at 10:14am
    [...] I had professional photos taken of the GS-X mk2. [...]




    Forsterker med DACT (stepped attenuator):

    DACT (stepped attenuator) og hodetelefonforsterkermoduler:




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    Målinger av Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Målinger av Blue Hawaii Special Edition:

    post #4914 of 4967 4/6/14 at 10:32am
    Quote:Originally Posted by purrin

    Just curious. Where is this measurement? Under what conditions, load, voltage, test signal, etc.
    I have measured the first BHSE produced in the current batch (not under test in the photo)


    Equipment for THD testing: Tektronix TS-4353/U distortion test set (SG505 MOD WQ, SG505 MOD WR, AA501A MOD WQ)

    Results @ 100Vrms w/ SR-404 load, RCA input to amp w/ 1.55Vrms sine wave
    the 30khz low pass filter was enabled, the 400hz high pass filter was not enabled, which would have improved the results
    Don't remember if this was the left or right channel however both were near identical

    100hz - .003%
    1khz - .0032%
    5khz - .0058%
    7.5khz - .007%
    10khz - .0078%
    15khz - .0049%
    20khz - .0051%
    20khz - .015% (with 30khz low pass filter disabled)

    Results not comparable to any other amp measured by any other equipment at any other time.

    Edited by justin w. - 4/6/14 at 10:34am
    post #4941 of 4967 4/7/14 at 10:16pm
    a few things..
    - the specs of the test equipment is worse at higher frequencies which is contributing here. it is also not surprising that THD is higher at higher frequencies as this is usually the case.
    - .01% is not audible, it's around -80dB. How much can you hear? Listening Test
    - harmonics would be out of the range of human hearing anyway (20, 30, 40, 50khz)


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    GS-X mk2

    T.H.E. Show Newport 2014: HeadAmp Takes it Up a Notch with the GS-X Mk2
    By Tyll Hertsens • Posted: Jun 9, 2014


    There's really only one thing wrong with the HeadAmp GS-X Mk2...you have to wait 6-8 months for one. Why? Because they're a spectacular amp both sonically and in build quality. Justin Wilson, CEO of HeadAmp, is a perfectionist and all his products radiate quality like very few others—the deep glossy finish of all HeadAmp products is stunning. Beauty is way more then skin-deep with HeadAmp though, I've had the distinct pleasure of reviewing the Blue Hawaii electrostatic headphone amp and it's sounded spectacular, and I've long used and recommended the HeadAmp Pico DAC/Amp for general computer and portable listening. I'm really stoked to see that HeadAmp has refreshed the GS-X with a Mk2 version. This is a top-of-the-line balanced headphone amp that will no doubt give my AURALiC Taurus Mk2 a run for its money...if I can get my hands on one. Hen's teeth tend to go to paying customers.

    Justin was unable to make it out to Newport this year and had long-time headphone enthusiast Peter James man the booth. Having a headphone hobbyist man the booth is relatively common in the headphone world—some of these guys are extraordinarily well qualified for such duties. Peter certainly falls into that category, but more importantly he falls into the "all-around-good-dude" category and it was a pleasure getting to spend a bit of time with him this year. I'll mention he's also an extraordinarily good nature photographer, you can check out his work here. Peter details the GS-X Mk2 in the video.


    Ventetiden kan, som tidligere nevnt, være mye lengre enn ovennevnte 6-8 måneder. En del kunder har i hvert fall ventet i minst 15 måneder på GS-X mk2 produksjonsbatch nr. 2 (også kjent som 2013-batchen).
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