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Vurderte selv denne fra gt sound som har tatt over produksjonen når sony la inn årene.
GT SOUND DRIVER GSU-D04 men til 100k så synes jeg vel veien opp til ALE var kort.
[h=2]When the economy was growing at Sony Music (SME), people such as Mr. Hazama, Mr. Takada, Mr. Sakamoto, Mr. Fuke and Mr. Ooyama spent lot of time and effort in order to create pro-speaker unit called SUP-L11(Woofer) and SUP-T11(Driver). Both of these units were made for recording studio and broadcasting station with the latest technology of that time. But these units tastes of sound itself sounded rather light. So we asked Sony to create a unit specially for consumer uses without changing the specification. Which was the SUP-L11G and SUP-T11G.
Further we asked Sony to create the Ultra High (20KHz to 100KHz) SUP-T21G. But after a while Sony withdrawal from pro-audio and the units were discontinued. We at GT Sound wanted to leave this fabulous unit so we decided to create it our selves.
The shape and data is almost same as Sony`s unit. The actual sound it self have been improved. The tastes of sounds a bit thicker but not as much speaker like JBL and TAD. The size of the company Sony and GT Sound is totally different, but our emotions and feeling towards audio is huge and strong.[/h]