Hvor lenge er det trygt å lagre data på harddisk?


Hi-Fi freak
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Noen utdrag fra Backup på wikipedia som oppsummerer det hele ganske bra:

Angående feil tolerante systemer vs backup (f.eks RAID):
"Backup systems differ from fault-tolerant systems in the sense that backup systems assume that a fault will cause a data loss event and fault-tolerant systems assure a fault will not."

* The more important the data is that is stored on the computer, the greater is the need for backing up this data.
* A backup is only as useful as its associated restore strategy. For critical systems and data, the restoration process must be tested.
* Storing the copy near the original is unwise, since many disasters such as fire, flood, theft, and electrical surges are likely to cause damage to the backup at the same time. In these cases, both the original and the backup medium are likely to be lost.
* Automated backup and scheduling should be considered, as manual backups can be affected by human error.
* Backups can fail for a wide variety of reasons. A verification or monitoring strategy is an important part of a successful backup plan.
* Multiple backups on different media, stored in different locations, must be used for all critical information.
* Backed up archives should be stored in open and standard formats, especially when the goal is long-term archiving. Recovery software and processes may have changed, and software may not be available to restore data saved in proprietary formats.
* System administrators and others working in the information technology field are routinely fired for not devising and maintaining backup processes suitable to their organization.
* If you already have a tape backup system, a second backup program may be necessary, do an additional backup to the external hard disk with an automatic backup program, you will have the double data security, and it is easy to check the backed up files in the external hard disk.


Hi-Fi freak
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Noen backuprelaterte hendelser:

* In 1996, during a fire at the headquarters of Crédit Lyonnais, a major bank in Paris, system administrators ran into the burning building to rescue backup tapes because they didn't have off-site copies. Crucial bank archives and computer data were lost.
* Privacy Rights Clearinghouse has documented 16 instances of stolen or lost backup tapes (among major organizations) in 2005 & 2006. Affected organizations included Bank of America, Ameritrade, Citigroup, and Time Warner.
* On 3 January 2008, an email server crashed at TeliaSonera, a major Nordic telecom company and internet service provider. It was subsequently discovered that the last serviceable backup set was from 15 December 2007. Three hundred thousand customer email accounts were affected.

Et firma som gikk konk: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Death-by-Delete.aspx


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Torget vurderinger
Hver gang jeg ripper til NAS disken bruker jeg følgende metode:

1) ripper via itunes til skrivebordet på laptopen

2) finner et foto av albumcoveret på nettet og lagrer det som folder.jpg i mappen for den aktuelle platen

3) kopierer via trådløst nettverk til NAS disk, dette går tregt men det krasjer hvertfall ikke slik som direkte ripping fra itunes til NAS via trådløst

4) kopierer den samme mappen til en løs USB hardisk

Da har jeg hvertfall kontroll på platesamlingen

Et neste trinn i mitt manuelle backup regime er å ta med den løse USB hardisken på jobben og dumpe hele greia i sin helhet ved jevne mellomrom.

Dette er nok veldig tungvindt men jeg har hvertfall kontroll på platesamlingen min.



Hi-Fi freak
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Jeg ville automatisert hele løsningen. Jo mindre manuell innblanding som kreves, jo mindre er sannsynligheten for menneskelig svikt.
Topp Bunn