Sitat fra en amerikansk TT-71 eier:
"Should be a model QL-7 or QL-A7. I've had a few run through here. I have a problematic one here right now.
Great tables in some aspects, poor in others.
The great- The basis of this table is a simplification of the rare but broadcast quality TT-81 and TT-101- these two models use a push-pull servo (the tt-71 a simplified single servo) and neat magnet suspended bearing/platter configuration. A great concept and nice basis to work from.
A nice simplified design that's an affordable alternative to the above mentioned TT-81 and TT-101, which are rare.
The mediocre-
As with many of the Denons, the plinths are far sub-standard to the table's lofty ambition. A cheap grade of partical board. Someone referred them to a wood shoebox. But build your own plinth and be a leg up on the competition. That's my plan.
The unfortunate bad-
These age poorly- the rubber mount for the tone arm weight, which is integral to the pivot, dries and turns to crumbled rubber crumbs- much like a rotted car motor mount. My arm droops so bad it's unuseable. A rebuild is not going to be easy, and a replacement part is not going to be available. I need to disassembe the arm and cast my own custom repair piece.
The lettering flakes off. Both on the plinth badge and on the table rim. 3 of four have had this issue with me.
The feet dry rot- two have had the internals crumble right off. The other two mysteriously are fine. ???
The black metal undercarraige protection "bucket" rings like a struck bell.
The mat is a joke- thinnest flimsiest factory mat I've yet seen- including the cheap belt drive lower model japanese tables.
And the speed issue. I've cleaned the pots and made attempts at adjusting them but have not been able to get them to hold speed- especially at 33rpm. Three of four. ???
My current model is clean, good feet, but the tone arm rubber is shot, and I cannot correct the speed issue."
Med tanke på fraktkostnader, handling, MVA osv. ville jeg ventet til det dukket opp en TT-81 eller TT-101, dette er helt andre konstruksjoner, og dersom du skal legge ned litt tid, arbeid og penger i skikkelig plinth med tilbehør så bør utgangspunktet være optimalt. Når prosjektet blir ferdig vil du se at differansen utgjør en relativt liten del av totalen.
Men for all del, dersom greia er å droppe verket ned i en finerplate og montere en Rega arm du har liggende så er det greit nok. Forvent bare ikke et referanseprodukt som sluttresultat.