Dick Handler Quartet ( ADULT )
There once was a group of gospel singers
The Dick Handler quartet was their name
They grew in their popularity
Having quite a great deal of fame
People used to laugh when they saw their name
Asking questions to how it came about
Dick would say but it's my real name
But those around him had their doubt
They played in churches and chapels
The Dick Handler quartet had a great sound
People used to flock there to see them
But they kept their feet on the ground
The priests and the vicars protested
The name Dick Handler had to go
Because of all those who were sniggering
As they were introduced before the show
The bishops and the cardinals gathered
A Dick Handler conclave was set
The pious men agreed it was no good
Just how famous would Dick Handler get
Would they get there through musical merit
Or just people who laughed at their name
The clergy all blaming each other
For Dick Handlers rise to fame
It was agreed among the Catholics
Who were Dick Handlers of renown
There filthy habits were well known
All around the neighbouring towns
The conclave made a decision
The church was shocked without doubt
Due to the pope being hard of hearing
The cardinals really had to shout
But none the less the edict was written
Priests were granted one day of relief
Where they were allowed to masturbate
Which was really beyond their belief
This day said the pope will be special
Palm Sunday shall be its name
Ever since that Dick Handler Conclave
Things have never been the same
Dick Handler has now become a saint
His music is revered by them all
How this man changed the face of religion
Never known since the time of the fall
So now all those who sniggered
As they heard Dick Handlers name
Now have to bow their heads in reverence
And Remember their mocking with shame