Magnepan LRS.

Magnepan LRS.

Mange har sikkert hørt/lest om den nyeste modellen til Magnepan, LRS som har overrasket både kunder og journalister rundt om i verden hvor billig smaken av virkelig «High-End» lyd kan bli.
Grunnen til denne lave prisen er at Magnepan har senket prisen så mye at det ikke er rom for forhandlere, men kun selges direkte ifra distributører rundt om i verden for å holde prisen nede.
Grunnen til dette stuntet ifra Magnepan er at inngangsbilletten til Magnepan lyden skal være så lav at det fleste har råd til å kjøpe et par og da få oppleve ekte Magnepan lyd og at fristelsen vil bli stor til å oppgradere til større modeller😊
Om man ønsker å oppgradere til en større Magnepan modell så er det en innbytte ordning på LRS (viktig og beholde original emballasjen) så slipper man å selge dem selv ved oppgradering.

Som en god service til Norske kunder. Så har vi Norsk Audio Teknikk gjort avtale med distributøren i Sverige med å kunne levere Magnepan LRS igjennom oss.
Prisen er Kr 11.995.- levert Oslo.
Vi tar imot bestillinger nå med levering i starten av februar.

Legger ved noen linker med omtale av Magnepan LRS og ytterligere info:

Kontakt oss på mail: eller tlf: 22200095.

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Norsk Audio Teknikk AS
Ullevålsveien 13
0165 Oslo
Org nr: 976 120 779 MVA

Tlf: 0047 22200095
Web: Norsk Audio Teknikk | Let the Music Speak!
PMC-forum Norge:
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OVK-Generalkonsul of Jutland :-)
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Hjortshøj, Danmark.
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Det var bare din kommentar om, at amerikanere skulle betale "sales tax". Det er ikke korrekt.


Hi-Fi freak
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Vi skal være glad for at det fortsatt er noe som gidder drive med dette sære markedet i Norge. Jeg tipper nat bare behøver selge 400 til 500 par for at dette skal være en god forretning.


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The dealers in the US also have to pay staff and run their shops too. When they sell them for 5,500nok they are still making a good profit. My question was simple "why are you asking twice the price" Do you have this pricing policy on all your products. Wanting to make twice the profit is just greedy and going against the wishes of Magnepan customer service and marketing.

I appreciate there are extra costs but charging 12,000nok plus extra freight (ca500)if you cant pick them up in Oslo compared to 8.500nok direct from the factory to your door is treating your customers like fools. You don't see Elkjøp marking up all its prices just because its Norway and we can afford it. Most dealers would of just added the extra costs and sold them for 8.995nok
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OVK-Generalkonsul of Jutland :-)
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Hjortshøj, Danmark.
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sweare..... You seem to forget, that this offer is direct from the factory.
No dealers involved here.


OVK-Generalkonsul of Jutland :-)
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Hjortshøj, Danmark.
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Det var jo det Magnepan gjorde med MMG....
Direkte fra fabrik til 599$ med 30 dages returret, for at gi´ folk en chance for at prøve i eget hjem (USA).
Nu genta´r de så åbenbart successen med LRS :)


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The dealers in the US also have to pay staff and run their shops too. When they sell them for 5,500nok they are still making a good profit. My question was simple "why are you asking twice the price" Do you have this pricing policy on all your products. Wanting to make twice the profit is just greedy and going against the wishes of Magnepan customer service and marketing.

I appreciate there are extra costs but charging 12,000nok plus extra freight (ca500)if you cant pick them up in Oslo compared to 8.500nok direct from the factory to your door is treating your customers like fools. You don't see Elkjøp marking up all its prices just because its Norway and we can afford it. Most dealers would of just added the extra costs and sold them for 8.995nok
Dear Sweare.
I do not know who you are. But being insulted in public by being greedy seems to me to be very sad. Especially when you are relying on indices and not facts about the merits and surcharges I have.
First, Magnepan dealers in the US do not have large margins on LRS and my price is based on what I pay for them.
If I were to sell them to you for Kr 8,900, I would have to pay to sell them to you.
I think you should contact me directly on tel 22200095 so we can clarify the "misunderstandings"
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Morten N.A.T

Gjallarhorn Audio

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Heggedal, Asker
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Man kan ikke legge skylda på NAT for at prisen blir høy i Norge når det er Magnepan som velger å opprettholde en distribusjonsmodell med en felles importør for hele Skandinavia i stedet for å velge en mere kostnadseffektiv løsning med færre ledd, nemlig å operere med en dedikert importør og eneforhandler i hvert land. En slik modell er spesielt viktig når produktprisen er lav og det ikke er marginer i produktprisen til å opprettholde alle salgsleddene og ekstra runder med frakt.


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I seriously cant understand what the issue is? I asked a sensible question. The price is 650usd from any US dealer or direct from the factory. Fact! or 8,500nok delivered to your door including freight and taxes There is no special price or limited offer. So I asked you why do you expect Norwegian customers to pay 12,000 plus post if you need to send them (12,500) That's 4,000nok more that buying from any another dealer in the US who also have staff and overheads to cover too.

I don't know how much every dealer in the world makes on every electrical item but its normally around 40% and sometimes up to 60% especially on cables. NAT is saying they are paying more for the speakers from Sweeden than what a customer would pay if they buy direct. If this is true which doesn't make any business sense at all, then once again I will ask they same question - WHY????


Ble medlem
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I seriously cant understand what the issue is? I asked a sensible question. The price is 650usd from any US dealer or direct from the factory. Fact! or 8,500nok delivered to your door including freight and taxes There is no special price or limited offer. So I asked you why do you expect Norwegian customers to pay 12,000 plus post if you need to send them (12,500) That's 4,000nok more that buying from any another dealer in the US who also have staff and overheads to cover too.

I don't know how much every dealer in the world makes on every electrical item but its normally around 40% and sometimes up to 60% especially on cables. NAT is saying they are paying more for the speakers from Sweeden than what a customer would pay if they buy direct. If this is true which doesn't make any business sense at all, then once again I will ask they same question - WHY????
40% I would have been very pleased. But unfortunately no.
Give me a call.
Best regards
Morten N.A.T


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Ytterst i havgapet...
Jeg ser regnestykkene... men er det noen som har kjøpt amerikansk verktøy og maskiner fra norsk forhandler??? :cool:


Ble medlem
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I seriously cant understand what the issue is? I asked a sensible question. The price is 650usd from any US dealer or direct from the factory. Fact! or 8,500nok delivered to your door including freight and taxes There is no special price or limited offer. So I asked you why do you expect Norwegian customers to pay 12,000 plus post if you need to send them (12,500) That's 4,000nok more that buying from any another dealer in the US who also have staff and overheads to cover too.

I don't know how much every dealer in the world makes on every electrical item but its normally around 40% and sometimes up to 60% especially on cables. NAT is saying they are paying more for the speakers from Sweeden than what a customer would pay if they buy direct. If this is true which doesn't make any business sense at all, then once again I will ask they same question - WHY????
40% I would have been very pleased. But unfortunately no.
Give me a call.
Best regards
Morten N.A.T
PS. you have high expectations for the margins we have. So nice if you could stick to the facts and not what you think it is.
Best regards
Morten N.A.T


Hi-Fi entusiast
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Sakset fra Magnepans hjemmeside for LRS: Står ganske klart at man skal betale tax enten man handler direkte hos Magnepan eller en dealer uansett stat i USA. Som tidligere nevnt varierer VAT fra stat til stat.

"Can I save money or time buying direct from Magnepan?" No, we are not in competition with our dealers. The terms and price, including tax, are the same whether you buy direct from Magnepan or from your nearest dealer. It is a matter of which is the most convenient for you? There is a potential advantage to you, the customer, if you are able to audition the LRS at your nearest dealer. In the event that the LRS is not the right speaker for you, you would have no further obligation.

Once you have tried a Magneplanar in your home, we know that the probability is high that you will be a life-long Maggie enthusiast. How you get started is less important.

The LRS 60-day, home-trial program is only available in the continental USA.


Ble medlem
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So you are saying that you normally don't make around 40% on your products, its a lot less? You often see dealers selling of their demo or storage items reduced by 40%, do you expect us to believe that you are selling them for less than you paid just to make space? If so, then once again not a good business plan. I have never been in the hifi business but I have bought direct from many importers often over the years. Getting 30% off was typical. Im sure that they were still making money

Below is a typical exsample

Listepris: NOK 63 250,- (pr. 1. desember 2019)
Lagertømmingspris (-37%!): NOK 40 000,-

So as you STILL wont answer my question lets put it another way. Why should everyone here pay you 4,000nok (33%) more than any other dealer. What service/values are you offering us over the factory or US dealer to justify why we should not click "Buy" on their web site and instead ask you too
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Hi-Fi freak
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So as you STILL wont answer my question lets put it another way. Why should everyone here pay you 4,000nok (33%) more than any other dealer. What service/values are you offering us over the factory or US dealer to justify why we should not click "Buy" on their web site and instead ask you too
Buying directly from Magnepan is not an option.

When your dealer told you that there is no "fat" in the profit margin of a Magneplanar for a phony discount, he was correct. You could say we are conservative. We offer hand-crafted, American-made products of exceptional value. A phony discount scheme is not consistent with the way we do business.

I for one would gladly pay a premium for the service from one of our local hifi pushers and for the 5 year warranty. It is a pleasure to support our local hifi stores and if we stop doing that we would soon have no one to visit anymore.



Hi-Fi freak
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På HFS er man ikke fornøyd før prisen er satt så lavt at forhandleren taper penger.


Ble medlem
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So as you STILL wont answer my question lets put it another way. Why should everyone here pay you 4,000nok (33%) more than any other dealer. What service/values are you offering us over the factory or US dealer to justify why we should not click "Buy" on their web site and instead ask you too
Buying directly from Magnepan is not an option.

When your dealer told you that there is no "fat" in the profit margin of a Magneplanar for a phony discount, he was correct. You could say we are conservative. We offer hand-crafted, American-made products of exceptional value. A phony discount scheme is not consistent with the way we do business.

I for one would gladly pay a premium for the service from one of our local hifi pushers and for the 5 year warranty. It is a pleasure to support our local hifi stores and if we stop doing that we would soon have no one to visit anymore.


No Phony discount, just full retail price from any dealer 650usd or 5,500nok. The factory states that it will not sell direct for less than recommended retail price however neither will they charge you more. So after freight and import tax the total is 8,500nok. Of course the dealers are making a profit on this price otherwise they would go bust. Yes I agree with you that I would be happy to pay a small premium but 4.000nok (33%) is not a premium, its a rip off


Ble medlem
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So dont buy it, but stop the whining. And stop this negative bs against one of the most serious hifi shops in Norway. Try to start a hifi business with a small markup yourself and let me know how it goes after a while. This is just an embarrassing read.
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Væssia i Grue.
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Swear! Now have been going on in this thread with your thoughts on pricing.
Please think of something else to do now😉🤨🥴



The big chief
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Jeg mente ikke å åpne Pandoras boks, og jeg foreslår at vi lar denne saken ligge nå.



Overivrig entusiast
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A margin of around 30% is far from a rip off. The margin must cover costs like salaries, rent, fixed costs such as electricity etc etc. I have never bought anything from Morten, but my impression is that he is a very honest guy based on feedback from his customers that participate on this forum.

I suggest that you sweare end this meaningless «discussion». NAT is a business and must be run like all other in order to survive. It is really that simple. I am a business owner myself and do understand the principles quite well. You clearly don`t.



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But I have both owned and run my own business and understand what it means. Btw I look forward to receive my pair of LRS’s. I can pick it up for a small price that includes shipping, tax, warranty, accounting, a very small markup to Morten (I happen to know the size) that has to pay rent, internet, phone, electricity, water, tax, wage etc etc and it even includes the needed service to follow me up as a customer if anything happens. In one of the most expensive countries in the world which also must be reflected in the markup. Its not the price that is too high, its the wages.


Hi-Fi freak
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Hm, interessant alternativ for småpeng. Blir spennende å se hvor mange som blir Magnepan-venner fremover :)


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So dont buy it, but stop the whining. And stop this negative bs against one of the most serious hifi shops in Norway. Try to start a hifi business with a small markup yourself and let me know how it goes after a while. This is just an embarrassing read.

Im not whining, I simply asked a question. They cant be serious because they didn't answer it!! Instead, all I got were lots of people and other dealers saying run and buy them there so cheap and we are all so happy to pay twice the price. Except your not when it come to actually passing over your own hard earned cash. You will all buy the speakers off the net just like you did with most of you Christmas gifts. I also agree with you that what you wrote was embarrassing too.

I also run my own business (not audio) and its too easy to set up a part time hifi business. First find a company that doesn't have a dealer in Norway. Buy two or three products at an extra reduced intro price. Stick one in you bedroom and set up the other one in your lounge and enjoy it. Then set up a web site and put out an advertisement on HFS. If it sells then congratulations, if not then when you loose the dealership sell them reduced on HFS to get all your money back plus you played with one for free. You see this happening all over the net.


Ble medlem
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Maybe it is embarrassing to read about factual costs to run a business in Norway? Anyway you missed the target by far in first insinuating and then saying that NAT is not serious. I have explained a few things in post #63 you may didnt get. Not everybody want to receive norwegian wages and buy everything on internet with «Nepalese» prices. Its just simplifying the reality. In the meantime I think it is very rude to talk negative about one of the most serious audio shops as you just did without any good reason based on anything but fantasy. My advice is to stop the bs now, but since I am a realist I wont hold my breath.


Overivrig entusiast
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We’ve been a communist country since Che Guevara invaded us in the late fifties.
We are forced to pay taxes to spread our fortune.
Even the children and old man are being taken cared of. And not just from the rich, even the middle class, can you believe it?
But we got what we deserved, voting for H (Hells Hematt) and AP (Anti People) for decades. You know these maniacs that joined together to develop a society from satanic and socialist ideas.
Now for instance, we are not allowed to listen to music, accept DDE (Devils Death Ensemble). On Hegel that is. In the good old days we had foreign brands like Electrocompaniet, Audio, Doxa, Adyton, Dynamic Precision and many others. And we could listen to Wenche Myhre also.

Our only hope is the famous commufighter “Deffeknotten” (meaning “He-who-can-hold-his-toungue/keyboard” in norrøn language). But he is living in the dark corners of the internet and nobody has seen or heard from him in 30 years, so all hope seems lost. But the saying is that He finds you, you can’t find him, and that do we cling to.

But there is one more guy who’s able to bring us back to normal (no, not Trump, but Høvdingen from Hilarious m…Fuckers Society). He’s been said to lead us from astray better than any other living human being on the planet. And he’s living up to that, take my word for it. But be aware, the rumour says he’s in lead with Deffeknotten, and others say he’s been bought by the government. Myself, personally, I think he’s a double agent, playing both sides (“bifil” I believe in norrøn), so he is not to be trusted.

And that lead us to the only solution, our faith so to speak, we all gather around NAT every full moon headbanging in tact with the music, DDE of course.


Hi-Fi freak
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I en blokk
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Som tidligere eier av .7 skulle jeg gjerne ha kjøpt LRS, men pr nå har jeg ikke forsterkerkraft nok dessverre.
Savner Maggiesene fra tid til annen.


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Noen skal helst betale mindre enn innkjøpspris, men like selvfølgelig ha minst 20 års garanti mot alt. Nok om det. Jeg har hatt SMG for mange år siden og synes det låt pent om enn litt slapt. Sikkert for liten forsterker. Jeg har stor tro på denne lille jævelen og bestilte like godt et par uten å så mye som ha lest en test. Gleder meg stort og synes prisen er bra selv om amerikanerne kan kjøpe den billigere i USA. De tjener likevel mindre og har elendige sosiale ordninger så det er dem vel unt å kjøpe de billigere. Dætti bli bra :)


Overivrig entusiast
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Har MG 12QR, og det er vel det beste hifi-kjøpet jeg noensinne har gjort.
De krever sin forsterker ja, men ikke så ille som fryktet. Og hittil leste reviews peker mot at LRS er enklere. Blir spennende å høre andres erfaringer her etterhvert.


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Maybe it is embarrassing to read about factual costs to run a business in Norway? Anyway you missed the target by far in first insinuating and then saying that NAT is not serious. I have explained a few things in post #63 you may didnt get. Not everybody want to receive norwegian wages and buy everything on internet with «Nepalese» prices. Its just simplifying the reality. In the meantime I think it is very rude to talk negative about one of the most serious audio shops as you just did without any good reason based on anything but fantasy. My advice is to stop the bs now, but since I am a realist I wont hold my breath.
I think that you have missed the point. When the manufacturer makes a product, it sets a fixed price to sell to its dealerships and sets a recommender retail price out to the customer. By doing this the manufacturer and the dealer both make a fixed profit, normally around 40%. 5.500nok is not a Nepalese price its the worldwide recommended retail price set by Magnepan. There are extra costs with shipping and tax but asking for over twice as much just because its Norway and we have higher wages just does not make sense. Especially when they state you can happily purchase them with no discount so don't ask for RRP plus freight and tax. That works out to be 8.500nok. This is not fantasy or BS its just simple fact that you cant dispute. If you truly are a realist you would understand my confusion.

So I politely asked NAT why. Its not a difficult question. Their only reply is that they pay more than that themselves, so again why are you? It simply does not make any sense. If you walked into Elkjøp and wanted to buy an I Phone that had a RRP of 1,000usd and they said sure that's 20,000nok, wouldn't you of questioned it? If there reply was because we have a big shop and high wages in Norway you would walk out the shop and consider them not serious. Applying your way of thinking and justification basically everything sold in Norway should be twice the price. I do recommend holding your breath, it will help reduce your CO2 footprint
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Its very simple and you miss the target again. All you talk about is the money. That makes no sense. I also talk about the importance of having local shops who maintain a certain service level. You don't seem to get the importance of that. All you talk about is to get everything at a lowest possible price. There are more things than just a low price. I say it again: Warranty, service etc. When people have a certain standard of living and a decent wage as is quite normal in Norway there are some people that want a little bit more than just a low price. I appreciate to go to my local vinyl store and shop even I am sure I can get it a little cheaper somewhere else. I have what I need and dont want to spend my time on a neverending hunt for the lowest possible prices. For the sake of decency you should stop this ridiculous witch hunt. I dont think you are a possible customer for these either, so why keep on nagging?
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Ble medlem
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Its very simple and you miss the target again. All you talk about is the money. That makes no sense. I also talk about the importance of having local shops who maintain a certain service level. You don't seem to get the importance of that. All you talk about is to get everything at a lowest possible price. There are more things than just a low price. I say it again: Warranty, service etc. When people have a certain standard of living and a decent wage as is quite normal in Norway there are some people that want a little bit more than just a low price. I appreciate to go to my local vinyl store and shop even I am sure I can get it a little cheaper somewhere else. I have what I need and dont want to spend my time on a neverending hunt for the lowest possible prices. For the sake of decency you should stop this ridiculous witch hunt. I dont think you are a possible customer for these either, so why keep on nagging?

OMG.... Im not asking for a low price. just its recommended retail price just like every where else in the world. Nothing special, no hunting around to save a few krone, just full price. That should be enough. I don't understand why I should have to pay even MORE and not a little but over double.... You forget that they are still making a good profit at RRP. If they are not happy with the amount of profit that has been fixed by the manufacturer then they shouldn't be a dealer. I prefer to buy from a shop too and want a good service. That's their job. Warrantee is covered by the manufacturer not the shop. I know you get a few more years cover but what would it actually cover on a speaker that wouldn't be considered miss handling by the owner? .

Im doing it because the these speakers are aimed at a typical first time hifi enthusiast with little money who they hope will fall in love with them and upgrade in the future. When they get home and find that they have paid way over RRP their going to feel cheated and unhappy. They will think the dealer conned them out of 4,000 that they could of used on an amp or streamer. The comments here especially from dealers or guys in the know that say "fantastic price, run and buy" doesn't help either. You caring for the dealer tells everyone which team your playing for. The hifi industry in Norway is small and treating newbie customers poorly isn't going help make it grow. I guess you know which team Im playing for.

You are correct that I would not be interested in these speakers. To make the same comparison in my price range it would be Accuphase. You also have to pay double the price in Norway for no apparent reason. 300k for a preamp that costs 150k in the US, Japan or Australia is also ridiculous but I guess you still think its still just down to wages and the cost of living. Japans cheep, right.


Overivrig entusiast
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OMG.... Im not asking for a low price. just its recommended retail price just like every where else in the world.
Exactly where do you find this recommended price? Magnepan says that the price is the same factory direct or from the nearest dealer. But they only list dealers located in the North America. And from what Google tells me, the price is not the same around the world:

South Africa R15990 = 10038NOK

Australia AUD1490 = 9150NOK

Italy €1090 = 10824NOK

If you include the effect of taxes, the difference from Norway is even smaller.



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Hi-Fi freak
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Tilbake i Oslo, igjen.
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«All PR is good PR». Sweare is a TROLL hired by Morten@NAT. My five. Probably best to put in an order before all pairs available are gone. :rolleyes:


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Its very simple and you miss the target again. All you talk about is the money. That makes no sense. I also talk about the importance of having local shops who maintain a certain service level. You don't seem to get the importance of that. All you talk about is to get everything at a lowest possible price. There are more things than just a low price. I say it again: Warranty, service etc. When people have a certain standard of living and a decent wage as is quite normal in Norway there are some people that want a little bit more than just a low price. I appreciate to go to my local vinyl store and shop even I am sure I can get it a little cheaper somewhere else. I have what I need and dont want to spend my time on a neverending hunt for the lowest possible prices. For the sake of decency you should stop this ridiculous witch hunt. I dont think you are a possible customer for these either, so why keep on nagging?

OMG.... Im not asking for a low price. just its recommended retail price just like every where else in the world. Nothing special, no hunting around to save a few krone, just full price. That should be enough. I don't understand why I should have to pay even MORE and not a little but over double.... You forget that they are still making a good profit at RRP. If they are not happy with the amount of profit that has been fixed by the manufacturer then they shouldn't be a dealer. I prefer to buy from a shop too and want a good service. That's their job. Warrantee is covered by the manufacturer not the shop. I know you get a few more years cover but what would it actually cover on a speaker that wouldn't be considered miss handling by the owner? .

Im doing it because the these speakers are aimed at a typical first time hifi enthusiast with little money who they hope will fall in love with them and upgrade in the future. When they get home and find that they have paid way over RRP their going to feel cheated and unhappy. They will think the dealer conned them out of 4,000 that they could of used on an amp or streamer. The comments here especially from dealers or guys in the know that say "fantastic price, run and buy" doesn't help either. You caring for the dealer tells everyone which team your playing for. The hifi industry in Norway is small and treating newbie customers poorly isn't going help make it grow. I guess you know which team Im playing for.

You are correct that I would not be interested in these speakers. To make the same comparison in my price range it would be Accuphase. You also have to pay double the price in Norway for no apparent reason. 300k for a preamp that costs 150k in the US, Japan or Australia is also ridiculous but I guess you still think its still just down to wages and the cost of living. Japans cheep, right.
You think the norwegian dealer should offer their customers the north american RRP + mva and shipment. This gives me a very good idea of which team you are playing for....... You just dont make sense, mate. And you still dont get what I am saying. I will stop here, I realise that in a discussion with tightfisted people you're doomed to loose ;)

PS: RRP in Norway is 11900. If you want the USD650 you need to move to north America.
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Hi-Fi+-magasinet "Loudspeaker Hall of Fame 2024"

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Hi-Fi+-magasinet Loudspeaker Hall of Fame 2024 har nettopp komme ut, PMC har ikke en, ikke to, men tre i vinnere denne prestisjetunge publikasjonen. Les på side 142 i magasinet for å se hva de har...
Fredagen 13 og lørdagen 14 september er vi stengt grunnet et lenge planlagt besøk hos Bergmann Audio. DK.

Fredagen 13 og lørdagen 14 september er vi stengt grunnet et lenge planlagt besøk hos Bergmann Audio. DK.

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Er tilgjengelig på mail og telefon. Se innslaget da MY-HIEND besøkte Bergmann Audio tidligere i sommer. Norsk AudioTeknikk AS Sofiemyrveien 12. Inngang A1. 1412 Sofiemyr Tlf: 22200095 Web...

Holder stengt 2 og 3 august

Holder stengt 2 og 3 august

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Fredagen 2 og 3 august holder jeg stengt grunnet kundebesøk. Er tilgjengelig både på tlf 90988641 og mail: Norsk AudioTeknikk AS Sofiemyrveien 12. Inngang A1. 1412...
Endelig har vi fått inn Magnepan 1.7i i demo.

Endelig har vi fått inn Magnepan 1.7i i demo.

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Magnepan 1.7i er nå satt opp i demorommet. Alle som har ventet på en lytt på Magnepan er velkomne til å få opplevelsen av hvorfor Magnepan lyden har fått «legendestatus» Norsk AudioTeknikk AS...
Jeg får mange spørsmål om hvordan spiller Bladelius Ask integrerte forsterker?

Jeg får mange spørsmål om hvordan spiller Bladelius Ask integrerte forsterker?

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Jaap Veenstra ifra Alpha-Audio oppsumerer det meget bra og "spot on" Pass sound! What immediately stands out is the incredibly fine and clean midrange. It is so smooth, tactile and beautifully...
Topp Bunn