Dog er nå også på Linns forumsider...og der fikk jeg noe å tenke på gitt:
"dog Wrote:
I am new to this forum and to Linn, but I am considering a Majik DS or a Logitech Transporter....the DS as I understand does not support Apple Lossless(I have 2000+ albums with that format on a hard drive controlled by a mac) or integration with iTunes, the Transporter supports everything I need and easy integration with iTunes...but:
Is there a way to get Linn`s player to work well with macs & iTunes & lossless? Or not? Have anyone compared the two players sonically?
Nelson Mandela(en god mann), svarte:
"I am using Apple Lossless at home with a Klimax DS without any problems using Elgato EyeConnect on a Mac which transcodes on the fly. A Majik DS is frankly in a different league to a Transporter. I've heard all of the models at a dealer in Cardiff and the Majik is also significantly better than the Sneaky.
Native ALAC support will come no doubt but EyeConnect transcoding works perfectly. You can also convert to FLAC your ALAC library very quickly using MAX (Google Max for Mac)"
Hm. Så kanskje jeg skal vurdere dette da?