He’s a Nazi, Republicans Warn, but He’s Their Likely Nominee for Congress
Mr. Jones is a longtime fixture of the white supremacist movement in the Midwest and a former member of the American Nazi Party, according to Mark Pitcavage, an expert on extremism at the Anti-Defamation League. Mr. Pitcavage said Mr. Jones “has been around forever.”
He was a far-right student activist at the University of Wisconsin, where he said he edited a conservative newspaper and attended meetings of the Young Republicans and a National Socialist group. In 1976, he ran for mayor of Milwaukee as a member of the National Socialist White People’s Party. (Mr. Jones received about 5,000 votes in the nonpartisan primary, finishing fourth.)
He has previously run for the Republican nomination in the Third District, in 1998, 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2016. But he has never won.
In 2016, the State Board of Elections removed him from the race after the Republican Party challenged the legitimacy of several hundred signatures on his nomination petition. In 2006, “he lost the nomination to a former professional clown,” Mr. Pitcavage said.
Mr. Jones declined to say whether he identifies as a Nazi. He described himself instead as a longtime Republican who stands “shoulder to shoulder, philosophically,” with President Trump. He called his critics in the Illinois Republican Party an insufficiently conservative “bunch of wimps.”
“I don’t believe in this doctrine of racial equality,” he said. “Go out in nature and you don’t find equality anywhere. You found the leaders and you find the led. You find the predator and you find the prey. There is no such thing as equality.”