Kan bli interessant. Trump melder (i ALL CAPS) at han vil bli arrestert på tirsdag, og oppfordrer selvsagt de klippefast troende til opprør (igjen) for å berge hans egen rumpe fra velfortjent fengsel.
Spørsmålet er vel mest om det er New York, Georgia eller the Feds som utsteder arrestordre først.
USAs tidligere president Donald Trump hevder han blir pågrepet tirsdag – VG Nå: Nyhetsdøgnet
USAs tidligere president skriver på det sosiale mediet Truth Social at han vil bli pågrepet tirsdag. Han ber tilhengerne protestere og «ta landet tilbake».

NBC News: State and federal law enforcement agencies are preparing for a possible Trump indictment
NBC News has confirmed multiple law enforcement agencies are preparing for a possible Trump indictment in the hush money investigation of a $130,000 payment to porn actor Stormy Daniels. Numerous agencies are reportedly involved, including the New York...

Three Different Federal Judges Have Concluded That It Is Likely Trump Committed Crimes
We sit on a historic cusp of an American President who will likely next week be criminally indicted. I’m not sure many realize how many courts have already suggested he is guilty of many crimes. Here’s my list. Judge #1: Magistrate Judge Bruce...

Trump has reason to be afraid of indictment in Georgia case; his lies were bigger than anyone knew
Donald Trump’s infamous call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger included a whole series of false claims, threats, and obvious efforts to drag him into a conspiracy. A second call to Raffensperger’s office, heard by members of a Fulton...
Internasjonal arrestordre på putin og varetektsfengsling av Trump - kverna maler langsomt, men grundig.In a monumental ruling Friday, a federal judge ordered Donald Trump attorney Evan Corcoran to provide additional testimony as part of an investigation into the former president’s handling of classified documents, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.
Corcoran has the potential to become one of the most crucial witnesses in special counsel Jack Smith’s criminal investigation into possible mishandling of classified records after the Trump presidency and obstruction of justice.
District Judge Beryl Howell said in an order under seal that Justice Department prosecutors have met the threshold for the crime-fraud exception for Corcoran, the source said.
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