Akkurat Cheney sa dette i 2016, før Trump hadde vunnet nominasjonskampen:Det som var av ledende republikanere tok avstand fra Trump før valget i 2016. Da han vant gikk de fleste i kne for sin nye fører. W sa, til hans ære, at «That was some weird shit» etter Trumps innsettelsestale, og har copyright på den beskrivelsen. De vet jo at mannen er uegnet, men han ble valgt. Forskjellen nå er at de sier de vil stemme på hans motstander, offentlig og i god tid.
Mange sier han er en mye bedre eks-president enn president, og det kan vel være noe i det.Akkurat Cheney sa dette i 2016, før Trump hadde vunnet nominasjonskampen:
Cheney told CNN he would support Trump as the nominee but previously called the New Yorker a “liberal Democrat.” (May 6)
De så vel Trump som den som kunne gi dem seier, og det var vel det viktigste. Forøvrig er jo George W's uttalelse god.
Her er hans syn på det å spille golf når man er Commander in Chief:
Det sier litt om hvordan verden har endret seg med Trump når George W. Bush plutselig fremstår som en hedersmann.
Ufortjent sådanSelv Nixon har jo etterhvert fått et bra ettermæle.
Fra søttitallet til for et par år sia har både vesten og Kina tjent på åpning i handel.Ufortjent sådan
Da Nixon døde skrev Hunter S Thompson et minneord titulert "He was a crook". Jeg anbefaler alle å lese det.Fra søttitallet til for et par år sia har både vesten og Kina tjent på åpning i handel.
Det åpna Nixon for.
Hva som skjer nå og framover hvem veit.
Noe skjer når lillebror vokser seg større enn storebror
Nixon's fingre i været og uttrykket" I'm not a crook" er historisk.Da Nixon døde skrev Hunter S Thompson et minneord titulert "He was a crook". Jeg anbefaler alle å lese det.
"He was a cheap crook and a merciless war criminal who bombed more people to death in Laos and Cambodia than the U.S. Army lost in all of World War II, and he denied it to the day of his death."
Sådan er vist alle "Koner"Noen regnet om fra hans offentliggjorte SAT score til IQ, og kom til 160. Om den SAT scoren han påberoper seg er korrekt vet jeg ikke.
SAT - Wikipedia
Av ren nysgjerrighet plugget jeg inn mine egne GRE scores i en tilsvarende, og det ble ikke så verst, det heller. Med en korrelasjon på 85 % eller så mellom slike standardiserte tester og IQ score er det ikke opplagt at musk er statistisk signifikant smartere enn f eks meg. Og min kone vil attestere at jeg som regel er nokså teit.
In the wake of the Capitol insurrection on January 6th, nearly two hundred corporations and industry groups said they would pause or altogether stop making political contributions to the 147 members of Congress who voted against certifying the election and continue to propagate the Big Lie that led to the attack. In the months since, corporate and industry interests have had to choose whether to do their part to uphold our democracy by turning off the flow of corporate donations to these members, also known as the Sedition Caucus, or to continue to support them and the main Republican party committees in order to seek political influence.
Many have failed this test, some reneging on a promise to change their giving while others made no commitment and are giving like nothing ever happened. By continuing to fund members of Congress who would undermine American democracy, these corporations and industry groups are sacrificing democratic government for access and influence. These members of Congress should renounce their votes against certifying the election and commit to respecting the 2020 election, future elections, and our democratic system, and corporations and industry groups should demand that they do so.
Ikke akkurat oppløftende å finne egen arbeidsgiver på den lista.En liste med selskaper som fortsatt gir penger til politiske aktører som forsøkte kuppe valget i 2020.
Våpen, olje, medisin og bank var ikke overraskende. Toyota, Sony m.fl. derimot var jeg ikke forberedd på skulle delta på en slik liste.
This sedition is brought to you by... - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Corporations and industry groups are filling the coffers of political committees tied to the so-called Sedition Caucus — creating one of the biggest obstacles to holding these members accountable for their actions. It’s time to call them out.www.citizensforethics.org
De mener det. På orntli’. Det minner mest av alt om NSDAP’s maktovertakelse i 1933.First come the firings. Thousands of federal, non-partisan civil servants –environmental and food safety regulators; authorities in disaster relief coordination; attorneys overseeing anti-discrimination policies in housing, education and employment; medical and scientific researchers – receive immediate layoff notices. Many will not be replaced, as entire federal programs and agencies are shuttered. The new personnel that do arrive come from conservative thinktanks, or are rightwing activists who applied through the Project 2025 application database. Political cronyism is now the official hiring policy of the US federal government.
Next come the roundups. As drafted by the Maga nativist-in-chief Stephen Miller, a broad range of law enforcement, from the national guard to state and local police are deputized for a new deportation army. Sweeps of neighborhoods and businesses take aim at blue states and cities, but general terror is their intended goal. Detention centers are established on military bases and federal facilities with quick access to airfields to execute mass removals. Nearly a million lawfully present immigrants are stripped of their legal protections, subjecting them to immediate deportation. An end to Daca and a return of the Muslim ban follow.
In the following months other parts of the agenda unfold. Cuts in corporate taxes so generous they would make the robber barons blush. An end to federal funding for public television and radio that forces many local stations to shutter. The termination of Head Start programs leaves hundreds of thousands of parents and guardians without preschool or childcare. The elimination of the Department of Education and programs like Title I halt funding and many protections for students with disabilities, English learners and students from low-income households.
Pornography is criminalized. Ditto for abortion rights, emergency contraception and many reproductive health programs. Adiós also to most public sector unions, labor organizing rights and anti-poverty programs.
Og jeg er sikker på at det ville resultere i en gigantisk hjerneflukt fra det nye MAGA-land, men det ville vel også komme lover for å forhindre slikt. Das Reich opp igjen......Hvis det skulle gå så ille at han blir valgt har han sin egen lille karavane klar til å rykke inn.
Here is what will happen on day one of Trump’s presidency, according to Project 2025 | Daniel Martinez HoSang
As Trump utters the last phrase of the oath of office – ‘so help me God’ – the first phase of what Project 2025’s authors call ‘the playbook’ beginswww.theguardian.com
De mener det. På orntli’. Det minner mest av alt om NSDAP’s maktovertakelse i 1933.
Erru rassist, så erru orntli rassist, det skarru ha.
Supertrump redder katter.
Vis vedlegget 1055096
The Trump campaign pushed unfounded online rumors in a mailer sent out Monday that Haitian migrants in Ohio were eating pets, using the story as a political attack line to accuse Vice President Kamala Harris of failing on immigration policies, citing tweets as evidence.
The email claims, among other alleged crimes, that Haitian immigrants have “reportedly been caught ‘decapitating ducks’ and hunting geese and other livestock in public parks — and even kidnapping residents’ pets — then eating them.”
The campaign email came on Monday soon after former President Donald Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance (R-OH), also amplified the claims when he shared a clip of himself discussing “the issue of Haitian illegal immigrants,” whom he accused of “draining social services and generally causing chaos in Springfield, Ohio.”
He added: “Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country.”
How Did Fake News About Haitian Migrants Eating Cats Spread From Malaysian Propagandist to Trump Campaign and JD Vance?
The Trump campaign pushed unfounded online rumors in a mailer sent out Monday that Haitian migrants in Ohio were eating pets.www.mediaite.com
Ja, og det har muliggjort for Kina å kunne framstå som en av de største truslene mot en fri og demokratisk verden.Fra søttitallet til for et par år sia har både vesten og Kina tjent på åpning i handel.
Det åpna Nixon for.
Hva som skjer nå og framover hvem veit.
Noe skjer når lillebror vokser seg større enn storebror
Øh, hvordan er den videoen relevant? Hun som ringer inn til 911 snakker engelsk med amerikansk aksent og sier at det er kusina hennes som har drept katten. På Haiti snakker folk fransk/kreol og har ikke slik aksent. Tydeligvis et mentaltilfelle og åpenbart ikke en ulovlig immigrant fra Haiti.