Politikk, religion og samfunn President Donald J. Trump - Quo vadis? (Del 2)

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    Hm. Jeg får varsellamper fra Chrome når jeg prøver den lenken.


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    Ordsalat, som RACTER på syre:
    She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?
    Et forsøk på å gjengi hva han kanskje forsøkte å si:


    A hard core of local supporters, some wearing T-shirts proclaiming “I’m voting for a convicted felon”, remained alongside traveling groupies who follow Trump from rally to rally. But in rural cities such as Wilkes-Barre, there is also a contingent who go along to political rallies for the entertainment value, to see a former president on a Saturday afternoon when there is not much else going on, or to help weigh up how to vote. Some of them were not impressed.

    “He reminded me why I’m not going to vote for him this time,” said Jenny, a local businesswoman who did not want to give her full name because she didn’t want to alienate customers.

    “I voted for him in 2016 and had a Trump flag in the front yard. I voted for him again in 2020 but didn’t put the flag out that time. I’ve been thinking of voting for him again because Biden’s been so bad for the economy and Kamala won’t be any better. But after listening to that, I’m actually afraid of Trump being president again. I don’t know what he was talking about half the time. Perhaps he was always like that but he seems worse, more unstable.”


    Ble medlem
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    Pussig hvordan matraet bad for the economy holder seg. Har de begreper om hvordan de 4 siste årene kunne ha vært under Trumf?


    Holistisk Hifi Helt
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    En bok som står på anskaffelseslista her.

    Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, one of Donald Trump’s national security advisers, writes in his new memoir that Trump,
    a supposed master of the “art of the deal,” was treated like a “chump” by the world’s top authoritarians.

    H.R. McMaster on Working for a President Totally Unfit for the Job
    He depicts Donald Trump as a vainglorious, manipulable ignoramus.

    What emerges from its pages is a constant sense of dread and menace as a human freak—a creature wholly unsuited for the presidency, a man with no redeeming qualities, “the most flawed person I have ever met in my life,” in John Kelly’s words—grappled with the challenge of leading the world’s only superpower.

    Trump, writes McMaster, suffered from “self-absorption, resistance to doing basic preparation, and a tendency toward disrespecting and disparaging those who were trying to serve him.” He had “a penchant for pitting people against one another.” He was “perpetually distracted” and this was coupled with a “loose relationship with the truth.” He was “distrustful and short-tempered, and inspired behavior in others that undermined teamwork.” His “longing for affirmation from his base sometimes sabotaged his wish to advance U.S. interests.” McMaster’s alarmed and alarming conclusion: “I couldn’t help but think that living at the base of an active volcano was an apt metaphor for serving in the Trump White House.”

    Dette må kunne kalles et skussmål som har vaska seg!!
    Sist redigert:


    Holistisk Hifi Helt
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    Trump was also prone to willful incomprehension. In a speech being planned for NATO headquarters in Brussels, Trump insisted that if member nations did not “pay their dues” and “pay arrears” he would withdraw from the alliance. “I tried to explain,” writes McMaster, “as I had many times before—that the commitment was for NATO nations to spend at least the equivalent of 2 percent of GDP on their own defense capabilities” (emphasis added). In the NATO context, talk of dues and arrears was meaningless. Trump agreed to change the wording. But then, out of McMaster’s presence he changed it back and the nonsensical formulation was included once again. “Much worse,” comments McMaster, “he had added that the United States would not be obligated to come to the defense of countries that were ‘delinquent’ in their ‘payments.’” Only the last-minute intervention of Tillerson and Mattis persuaded Trump to take out the offending language. But hours later, he was at it again—criticizing countries for failing to “pay what they owe”—and his nonsensical talk of NATO “dues” and “arrears” was repeated many times throughout his presidency and beyond.


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    Hi-Fi freak
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    Godt om strategien Harris-kampanjen har valgt i forhold til pressen. Den ble brukt av Trump, i 2016 og igjen i 2020, som nå, og Demokratene har endelig gjennomskuet hva det kan medføre, om man godtar et premiss som er lagt av GOP og som pressen bare overleverer.

    Det der var en fantastisk, og meget treffende, analyse. Det er vel det vi ser utspille seg nå; trumpern står alene og skriker ut sine rabiate utspille, og pressen, samt et utvalg av eksperter, leter desperat etter Harris’ responser og alt de får er «That’s it» Ubetalelig…


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Han behøver ikke en teleprompter når han skal holde taler.

    Free form performance i Michigan. Må tillate annonser om man vil se videoen, men nyt poesien fra Trump.

    "She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?"

    The words below were taken verbatim from a campaign speech former President Donald Trump delivered in Potterville, Michigan, Thursday when he was attempting, at least initially, to criticize Kamala Harris’ record in San Francisco, presumably referring to her tenure as district attorney there.
    This is ... impossible to follow. Trump’s asides stack atop each other with such density that it’s dizzying for even professional political observers to discern what he’s trying to get at. Why is a presidential candidate leapfrogging from talking about Harris’ policy record to the bath he took on a property he owns to where he ranks on the list of “horribly” treated presidents? His asides themselves are often unintelligible. What is this alleged anecdote about his San Francisco property meant to convey? What does he even mean about how horribly presidents were treated? To cap it all off, Trump casually tossed out an insidious conspiracy theory. He implies we don’t know who shot him, when of course we do. Trump has been embedded in the public consciousness as a rule-breaker for so long that it can be easily to forget how far he is from fulfilling the basic requirement of a politician to speak clearly.
    Og dette stemmer enkelte på. Fanfucking amazing!
    Og enda verre, det finne nordmenn som faktisk synes dette er bra! Totalt hjernedødt...


    Ble medlem
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    Det der var en fantastisk, og meget treffende, analyse. Det er vel det vi ser utspille seg nå; trumpern står alene og skriker ut sine rabiate utspille, og pressen, samt et utvalg av eksperter, leter desperat etter Harris’ responser og alt de får er «That’s it» Ubetalelig…
    Et ferskt eksempel på at fler har forstått det:


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Dette er jo autopilot forsvar, tipper ingen hadde hevet et øyenbryn om noen hadde spurt Støre om han la om til Bergensk når han var der, eller ble nordlending når han er nord for Trondheim


    Ble medlem
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    Saksopplysning: Man snakker ikke med southern drawl i Pittsburgh, PA. Dette er som å spørre hvorfor Støre tilsynelatende la om til trøndersk tonefall i et møte på Løten, altså bare tull. Det ble også avfeid som sådant.


    Code Switching. Jeg kjørte sunnmørsk på min fars begravelse, snakker bokmål ellers og har dypere røst når jeg snakker spansk enn når jeg snakker bokmål eller engelsk.
    En dansk kjæreste opplevde at jeg snakket spansk på telefonen. Da jeg la på så hun på meg med store øyne: Hvem var den karl der præcis stod her?

    So you're at work one day and you're talking to your colleagues in that professional, polite, kind of buttoned-up voice that people use when they're doing professional work stuff. Your mom or your friend or your partner calls on the phone and you answer. And without thinking, you start talking to them in an entirely different voice — still distinctly your voice, but a certain kind of your voice less suited for the office. You drop the g's at the end of your verbs. Your previously undetectable accent — your easy Southern drawl or your sing-songy Caribbean lilt or your Spanish-inflected vowels or your New Yawker — is suddenly turned way, way up. You rush your mom or whomever off the phone in some less formal syntax ("Yo, I'mma holler at you later,"), hang up and get back to work. Then you look up and you see your co-workers looking at you and wondering who the hell you'd morphed into for the last few minutes. That right there? That's what it means to code-switch.



    Hi-Fi freak
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    Saksopplysning: Man snakker ikke med southern drawl i Pittsburgh, PA. Dette er som å spørre hvorfor Støre tilsynelatende la om til trøndersk tonefall i et møte på Løten, altså bare tull. Det ble også avfeid som sådant.

    Godt mulig de ikke gjør det og da blir det jo enda mer tåpelig, legge om dialekten for og bånde ekstra med de fremmøtte for så å bomme på omleggingen



    Hi-Fi freak
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    Uansett helt uinteressant, bare et patetisk forsøk fra GOP på å sette agenda og få fokus over på alt som ikke betyr noen verdens ting.

    Pressesekretæren i det hvite hus behandlet det på en forbilledlig måte.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Think of it, your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child. And many of these childs, 15 years later say, what the hell happened? Who did this to me? They say, who did this to me? It’s incredible
    -- Trump (Moms for Liberty konferanse)

    Dette er normalt?


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Godt mulig de ikke gjør det og da blir det jo enda mer tåpelig, legge om dialekten for og bånde ekstra med de fremmøtte for så å bomme på omleggingen
    Nå skrapes det virkelig i bunnen for å finne feil....
    Hva om du gjorde de samme krumspringende med Trump? Kunne vært interessant...


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Min internettleverandør sperrer dette nettstedet:
    Kan en av dere være så vennlig å legge teksten inn i tråden?
    Kamala Harris is succeeding in accomplishing something none of Donald Trump’s adversaries have since 2016: Turning off his political oxygen supply by refusing to engage with his manufactured spectacles of insults and taunts, or with the often wholly substance-free issues that preoccupy the press.

    As last Thursday’s CNN interview of Harris and her running mate Tim Walz made clear, she’s resolutely unwilling to let the press — or Trump himself — set the agenda for her presidential campaign. In the process, she’s managed to blunt the tools Trump has repeatedly used to undermine his opponents: drawing them into responding to his schoolyard slights, and turning the media’s pursuit of purportedly “legitimate” questions about his opponents — many of them formulated by GOP partisans — into political weapons.

    Harris’s refusal to engage with Trump on his terms represents a break from how Democrats traditionally have dealt with him. In related news, her favorables continue to rise while an obviously flustered Trump flails at ghosts and searches in vain for a smear campaign that will allow him to regain the initiative.

    Leaving Trump alone in the mud

    For years now, Trump has made an art of luring his opponents to wrestle with him in the mud of his racist and misogynist insults and attacks. As a result, Trump has been able to neutralize the impact of (and sometimes even benefit from) his own vile activities and attributes.

    For example, before an October 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump responded to the then-recent disclosure of the Access Hollywood tape — in which he bragged about sexually assaulting women — by appearing with several women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. The stunt was arguably as nauseatingly misogynistic as the tape itself given that it was a transparent attempt to shame Hillary Clinton and taint her with her husband’s alleged sins.

    But it turned out to be an effective preamble to the debate itself, during which Trump loomed over Secretary Clinton like the predator the tape showed him to be and unleashed a barrage of insults. This approach likely enhanced Trump’s sway over some the of the white, male voters who allowed him to prevail in several swing states during the November 2016 election.

    Years later, Harris is well aware of how engaging with Trump’s most reprehensible maneuvers and taunts poses the danger of sinking herself into the mud with him, and even allowing him to gain political benefits from what should be massive political missteps — such as Trump’s claim that Harris recently “happened to turn Black.” And Harris, almost alone among Trump’s many political opponents, has come up with an effective strategy for responding to Trump’s gutter politics game: ignoring it.

    Perhaps the most significant moment in last week’s CNN interview was when Harris brushed off a question from interviewer Dana Bash.

    When Bash asked Harris to comment on Trump’s contention that she “happened to turn Black recently for political purposes, questioning a core part of [her] identity,” Bash perhaps expected that Harris would — like many of Trump’s previous opponents — respond with an entirely legitimate expression of anger and a righteous rebuke.

    But instead, Harris simply shut down the line of questioning by responding, “Same old tired playbook. Next question, please.” When a plaintive Bash asked, “That’s it?“ Harris replied, “That’s it.” (Watch below.)

    Bash might have been disappointed that Harris refused to set off a round of headlines by loudly attacking Trump, but Trump himself paid a far higher price as a result of Harris’s refusal to engage.

    Trump has long relied on tempting his adversaries to respond to his insults and bigoted taunts. That is how he has, for years, maintained control of the news cycle and made himself the perpetual center of attention. Harris’s curt dismissal of Trump’s most recent round of racism as a tired replay of a stale show marginalized him more effectively than most any of his adversaries, Republican or Democratic, have ever accomplished.

    When a showman like Trump is no longer the center of attention, he turns into that most pathetic of Hollywood creatures: a has-been. With her “that’s it” declaration, Harris left Trump standing alone in the pit, covered in mud, with nobody to wrestle.

    Harris is no longer playing by the rules

    Harris is also reconfiguring journalists’ relationship with her as a candidate in a way that’s frustrating many members of the press while also creating serious hurdles for Trump.

    For over a decade, nearly every non-Trump candidate has played by the same rules in their interactions with the press. The first rule was the presumption that members of the “fourth estate” posed important and “tough questions” because the voting public needed answers to them. The second is that any politician who refused to fully engage with and answer the press’s questions was acting dishonorably and likely had something to hide.

    But what those rules didn’t take into account is a reality that’s only grown more apparent in recent years — that the press often asks insipid questions, and indeed can easily be manipulated to serve as conduits for entirely bogus claims and theories pushed by GOP partisans.

    This phenomenon was exemplified during the 2016 campaign — specifically, the press’s nearly two year long pursuit of the Hillary Clinton email “scandals.”

    From the outset of the primary campaign in 2015, Clinton accepted the proposition that the email imbroglio, initially ginned up by right-wing partisans in the House, had to be addressed by providing the press with the “facts.” This was exemplified in a September 2015 Meet the Press interview in which HRC allowed NBC’s Chuck Todd to spend virtually the entire segment deposing her about the intricacies of her IT record keeping. Todd greeted every factually accurate response from Clinton with skepticism and further questions.

    Clinton learned too late that answering the press’s “legitimate” questions made her more, not less, vulnerable. Once the proposition that there was a “scandal” had been legitimized, it was inevitable that Clinton would be placed on the defensive for the entire campaign. This situation was relentlessly exploited by Trump, who inevitably lied or otherwise obfuscated when presented with questions about his own shady conduct.

    Years into the Trump era, Harris has, by contrast, learned valuable lessons about the danger of playing by the press’s rules and thereby allowing journalists’ purportedly “legitimate” questions to become a focus of her campaign.

    During the initial weeks of Harris’s presidential campaign, members of the press joined the Trump campaign in fulminating over her delay in making herself available for a “tough” interview. Harris met those press demands with a firm (and as soon became clear astute) response: not now.

    Harris instead spent those crucial initial weeks introducing herself to voters on her own terms without the filter of journalists operating under the guise of “hard hitting” questions, many whose origins could be traced back to GOP opposition research memoranda, including the bogus “stolen valor” assertions against Walz.

    By the time Harris gave her first campaign interview to CNN, the event’s significance had been blunted from the outset, since voters’ views of Harris had already begun to be established, largely positively.

    Bash had clearly hoped to focus the interview on an interrogation of Harris’s so-called policy “flip flops” on matters including fracking, which had been the subject of a raft of front page news “analyses.” Going after “flip flops” was, not coincidentally, a key part of the playbook the press relentlessly ran against Hillary Clinton.

    For instance, during the aforementioned 2015 Meet the Press interview, after asserting that Hillary Clinton faced a “trust deficit,” Chuck Todd illustrated purported HRC “flip flops” by playing a series of clips captioned “Clinton vs. Clinton.” He suggested Clinton’s support for marriage equality was the product of political expediency — despite the fact that she was a leading advocate for LGBTQ rights during the Obama administration — and that her decision to oppose the Iraq War after she learned that Bush had lied about weapons of mass destruction was, similarly, evidence of untrustworthiness.

    It was a transparent “gotcha” maneuver designed to place Clinton in a position where any response would make her look hypocritical. Clinton, however, treated Todd’s questions as legitimate and attempted to systematically explain her reasons for each changed position, thereby feeding the claim that she was a sharp operator rather than reasoned and non-dogmatic.

    Trump, for his part, refused even to engage with (accurate) claims that he had changed his own mind about the Iraq War, most notoriously by contending that he had always opposed it despite a public record to the contrary. He’s now doing much the same, even more audaciously, on the subject of abortion rights.

    Once again, Clinton paid a huge price for playing by the rules, while Trump did not.

    As last week’s CNN interview demonstrated, Harris has learned from Clinton’s experiences. Instead of accepting Bash’s framing and “admitting” that she had “flip-flopped,” Harris stated repeatedly that her “values have not changed.” Indeed, as Harris asserted, her willingness to alter her positions on certain matters when presented with new evidence and new realities demonstrates a consistent adherence to her “values,” not a willingness to compromise them.

    The result? Bash’s line of questioning lost its punch for much the same reason that her effort to bait Harris to engage with Trump’s racist taunts failed: because Harris has refused to play by the tired old rules.

    It’s hardly a coincidence that over the past several weeks, the power of the press to impact the tenor and focus of the presidential campaign — and the power of Trump to do the same — has been suddenly thrown into question. By refusing to engage with Trump’s taunts or play by journalists’ rules, Harris has upended presumptions about politics that have dominated during most of the past decade. And that’s a good thing.

    Thanks for reading Public Notice! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Ble medlem
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    Code Switching. Jeg kjørte sunnmørsk på min fars begravelse, snakker bokmål ellers og har dypere røst når jeg snakker spansk enn når jeg snakker bokmål eller engelsk.
    Jeg skifter også gjerne dialekt på vei over Dovre. Mitt foredrag på Trøndersk Vikingfestival i juli hadde ikke samme dialekt som når jeg presenterer noe på jobb. Når det er danske og svenske deltagere tilstede holder jeg meg enda nærmere til normert språk enn hvis det bare er norske. I Bohuslän snakker de innfødte rikssvensk til 08’are og kav dialekt til meg. Big fat deal.
    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Nå skrapes det virkelig i bunnen for å finne feil....
    Hva om du gjorde de samme krumspringende med Trump? Kunne vært interessant...
    Gjør dere noe annet her inne?
    Nå trenger man ikke akkurat skrape bunnen for å finne feil når det kommer til Trump, han er jo gaven som bare gir og gir.

    Ingen hevder at Kamela Harris er feilfri. Trump på sin side er i en helt egen klasse. Lystløgner og seriekriminell, komplett uegnet
    for de aller fleste oppgaver. I den konteksten er det ikke så veldig nøye om Kamala Harris har litt matrester mellom fortennene.


    Jimmy Kimmel oppsummerer Trump. Jeg foreslår at de i tråden som forsøker å forsvare Trump, og som innbiller seg at Trump er den de trenger for å fremme hva det nå er de innbiller seg må til for at livet skal bli levelig, tar en god kikk.

    Alle andre kan bare la latteren runge.



    Holistisk Hifi Helt
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    Hi-Fi freak
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    Siste fra Conway & Co, denne kan nok føre til aktiv «truthing» ut i de sene nattetimer.



    Ble medlem
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    Så synd, ikke medhold der heller. En føderal kjennelse på at høyesteretts gavepakke om immunitet ikke påvirker denne saken om privat regnskapsfusk for å dekke over ulovlige valgkampbidrag i form av bestikkelser til en pornostjerne for å få henne til å holde munn om Trumps utroskap mens Melania var gravid.

    Da blir det vel straffeutmåling 18 september.




    Hi-Fi freak
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    Ja, det er nokså snodig.
    Vis vedlegget 1053571
    Alt annet likt, betyr vel det også et høyere rentenivå?
    Ikke at det betyr så mye for amerikanere flest. De har stort sett lånt på langsiktige fastrente lån.
    For 3-4 år siden hadde ikke jeg lån, men om jeg hadde ville jeg definitivt ha bundet lånet på +/- 2%.
    På den tiden omtrent ingen nedside, og en betraktelig oppside.
    Hvor mange nordmenn gjorde det?


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Litt ergelig når man må avlyse sin Jan 6 galla i siste liten, tenk så mye tapte inntekter og greier.

    Kan det være for at Trump er opptatt med annet akkurat denne dagen?

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