PS Audio Aspen FR30 får ros i nyeste utgave av hi-fi news!
Paul Miller fra hi-fi news skriver:
"The waiting is over, and the aspen FR30 speakers are nothing short of remarkable, setting new standards of focus, openness, weight and control at this price and well above.
The build and finish are as immaculate as the sound, the unusual styling works remarkably well in the room, and the listening experience is a revelation. If you’re in the market for speakers in this sector, listen to them – they’re a bargain."
For å lese hele testen må du ha abonnement eller kjøpe siste utgave av hi-fi news, men ingenting slår vel en skikkelig demo! Kom innom vår forretning i Asker sentrum. Her spiller Aspen FR30 sammen med elektronikk fra BHK serien til PS Audio.
Paul Miller fra hi-fi news skriver:
"The waiting is over, and the aspen FR30 speakers are nothing short of remarkable, setting new standards of focus, openness, weight and control at this price and well above.
The build and finish are as immaculate as the sound, the unusual styling works remarkably well in the room, and the listening experience is a revelation. If you’re in the market for speakers in this sector, listen to them – they’re a bargain."
For å lese hele testen må du ha abonnement eller kjøpe siste utgave av hi-fi news, men ingenting slår vel en skikkelig demo! Kom innom vår forretning i Asker sentrum. Her spiller Aspen FR30 sammen med elektronikk fra BHK serien til PS Audio.
PS Audio Aspen FR-30
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