Robin Horsfall
It is not the sabres of your enemies but the daggers of your friends that will destroy you.
The greatest threat to a Ukrainian victory is not Vladimir Putin or his Russian forces, those threats are obvious and have been minimised by the courage and strength of Ukraine and her allies. The greatest threat to a Ukrainian victory is Donald Trump and the Republican Party of the USA.
Since it established a small majority in the US House of Representatives the GOP has used every ruse in the book to prevent the USA from maintaining it's financial support for Ukraine. The GOP have deliberately confused their social and domestic issues with immigration, to undermine national defence policy, claiming that the 'threat' against their southern borders is more important that Russia's aggressive policies towards Ukraine and western democracy. Although mass illegal immigration is an issue for many nations there are not hundreds of thousands of soldiers with tanks and missiles sitting on the Mexican border.
With focus on their own selfish desires to hold power at any cost, the GOP are prepared to support the policies of an individual who is openly uses racist dogma and fear to control the ignorant and selfish. A creature would sell Ukraine for scuttlebutt on his political opponents, or for cash. Trump thinks immigrants are 'poisoning the nation's blood'. He wants to imprison all his opponents, including judges. He wants to execute military leaders who regard him as a 'wannabe dictator'. When Joseph Stalin came to power he said 'First kill all the lawyers'. It has happened before and it could happen again.
Trump is a threat to Ukraine, he and his followers are also a threat to the whole idea of liberal democracy, rule of law, rules based society and most of all accountability. If Russia gains any form of victory in Ukraine and Trump gains any form of victory in the USA, we will see the demise of the American Empire formed when America saved Europe from the Germans and Russians and also saved Asia from the Japanese.
Failure in Ukraine will mean new wars in Europe, Asia and perhaps even a civil war in the USA and an end to the Constitutional foundations of the USA. The evil, sad and ignorant will burn the fields and destroy until there are too few left to fight, by which time the monsters who caused the horror will be gone.
Ukraine's enemy might be Putin, but the greatest enemy of all is the shameless, wannabe dictator and his acolytes in Congress.
Slava Ukraini!
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Robin Horsfall