Har klippet ut noe om dette fra AES-32 manualen. Det er noen år gammelt så tror nok WinDVD og PowerDVD har økt støtten til mer enn 16bit 48khz.
PowerDVD and WinDVD can also operate as software decoder, sending a DVD's multichannel
data stream directly to the HDSPe AES outputs. Supported are all modes, from 2 to 8 channels,
at 16 bit resolution and 48 kHz sample rate.
For this to work the option Interleaved has to be activated in the Settings dialog, an output wave
device of the HDSPe has to be selected in >Control Panel/ Sounds and Audio Devices/ Audio<,
and 'Use only default devices' has to be checked. Additionally the loudspeaker setup, found
under >Volume/ Speaker Settings/ Advanced< has to be changed from Stereo to 5.1 Surround.
PowerDVD's and Win DVD's audio properties now list several multichannel modes. If one of
these is selected, the software sends the decoded analog multichannel data to the HDSPe
The device selected as Default Sound playback device defines the first playback channel. Note
that this device can not be chosen freely. An interleaved playback with more than 2 channels
can only be done in blocks of eight channels. Therefore the starting device has to be channel
1/2 or 9/10.
The typical channel assignment for surround playback is:
1 (first chosen playback channel) - Left
2 - Right
3 - Center
4 - LFE (Low Frequency Effects)
5 - SL (Surround Left)
6 - SR (Surround Right)
Note 1: Setting the card to be
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