Regner med at den går rett sørover så fort Moiz har fått den innDefinitivt. Prisen på trafoboksen bør ned når T2+ blir tilgjengelig. Når får du den?
med alle pengene japaneserne har pumpet inn i økonomien for holde børsen og systemet igang...tviler jeg på detDefinitivt. Prisen på trafoboksen bør ned når T2+ blir tilgjengelig. Når får du den?
Litt usikker på om dette var noe Sasa fant ut etter vinterferien, men det resulterte i ny design.Funny we already knew to be Sasa code for challenging. For the T2+ he had another. Bullshit. That's Serbian for when things that should work don't work. This project had a lot of it. Had he known in Norway's Bergen what he'd learnt since, he'd not have volunteered. Apparently the wicked TakeT load made ultra-specific demands on his circuit and was rather diva-esque about obeisance. The H2+ did not like Sasa's toroidal power transformer, his 20-Henry choke-filtered power supply, his 6S45 driver tubes, his triode output stage, his purist zero feedback or convenient auto bias. The power trafo had to go EI, the chokes became Fet stabilizers, the double C-core output transformers insisted that their silicon-steel cores be ground isolated, the driver tubes became ECC88 and a final <3dB global feedback loop between triode input and single-ended now ultra-linear output stage was necessary to tweak the headphone's frequency response and boomy bass.
Lover godtThe 1:1 ratio output transformers grew in size over the prototype units and the final output power into 6KΩ was fixed at 4.1 watts. (Direct-heated triodes with usual 3KΩ Z-out would have needed a 1:2 step-up ratio whose associated sonic compromises rendered their lot unfit for the TakeT.) The fixed bias on the EL34 had to lock at precisely 3mA as anything even slightly over or under reflected poorly on the H2+'s treble response. The coupling caps between valve stages wanted to be Auricap, the power supply asked for Mundorf. The enclosure's original footprint stayed put but grew in height just a tad to accommodate the beefier output iron. After wading through his personal brand of bullshit, Sasa was beginning to feel happier. "Much better than with the Japanese step-up transformers".
---Just when I thought our tech facts were a wrap, Sasa had this: "Development finally finished a few days ago. The drawing below shows how I had to leave the impedance correction settings at the back separate for both channels. On the H2+ each side measures almost 10% different. I must suppose that's standard and account for it. With my dual-mono settings both channels can be perfectly balanced. For the NFB settings I couldn't decide whether 4dB or 6dB of feedback were better. Now I let the end user make that determination. I'll start production next week and after some 50 hours of burn-in here at the factory, I'll ship the review loaners to you."
Jeg har litt leftovers fra Aries; Treasure 6CA7-Z & Genalex Gold Lion KT77.blir det el34 tube-rollin på deg?
Smashing! Da håper jeg de skrur 24/7 der nedeførste 4 enhetene ankommer stereodesk neste uke...og 1 enhet til Srajan i Sveits
Bedre.Hei Morten!
Du, som spiller mye vinyl OG DSD... Er DSD - når kvaliteten på filene er gode, bedre eller dårligere enn Vinyl?
Development finally finished a few days ago. The drawing below shows how I had to leave the impedance correction settings at the back separate for both channels. On the H2+ each side measures almost 10% different. I must suppose that's standard and account for it. With my dual-mono settings both channels can be perfectly balanced. For the NFB settings I couldn't decide whether 4dB or 6dB of feedback were better. Now I let the end user make that determination. I'll start production next week and after some 50 hours of burn-in here at the factory, I'll ship the review loaners to you.
Takk.Crisp, var vel det første som slo meg, nydelig diskant oppover, bra punch nedover. Hodetelefonene endrer veldig signatur mtp hvordan man plasserer dem på hodet, jeg har funnet ut en posisjon som fungerer for min del. Men, det krever litt prøving og feiling, og jeg tenker det kan være fort gjort å få feil inntrykk av hva som bor i disse om man ramler over disse på ei messe feks.
T2+ er en bigass headphone amp på 22kg
De spiser i det minste HE-6 som jeg har i husHar komboen potensiale til å spise kirsebær med Stax SR009, JPS Labs Abyss, Audeze LCD-X, HiFiMan HE-500, Sennheiser HD 800, etc.?
Null problem med hodetelefoner så langt. Forsterker får vi komme tilbake tilJeg er spesielt interessert i 'robustness' og problemfri drift.