USB Cables
We at Wadia have been trying different USB Cables with our new USB input.
We started with your generic Best Buy USB cable and it sounded very nice.
We switched to a specialty company's copper cable and WOW what difference it made. Everything got better. We then tried the silver USB cable and things got more detailed but maybe thinned out a bit.
We were sent another cable by a different company, this one was better shielded and was made out of copper. This seemed to have the detail of the silver cable with richness of the previous copper.
We just wanted our supporters to know that we believe the difference a good USB cable can make.
I personally thought it was one of the biggest improvements made by a cable in my 18 years of audio.
We are sure that many people are going to say that a cable is a
cable especially when computers are involved. We really did hear a difference that most people would appreciate.
We believe that the most expensive cable we listen to was around $150 dollars, so we were not breaking the bank.
Wadia Support
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We at Wadia have been trying different USB Cables with our new USB input.
We started with your generic Best Buy USB cable and it sounded very nice.
We switched to a specialty company's copper cable and WOW what difference it made. Everything got better. We then tried the silver USB cable and things got more detailed but maybe thinned out a bit.
We were sent another cable by a different company, this one was better shielded and was made out of copper. This seemed to have the detail of the silver cable with richness of the previous copper.
We just wanted our supporters to know that we believe the difference a good USB cable can make.
I personally thought it was one of the biggest improvements made by a cable in my 18 years of audio.
We are sure that many people are going to say that a cable is a
cable especially when computers are involved. We really did hear a difference that most people would appreciate.
We believe that the most expensive cable we listen to was around $150 dollars, so we were not breaking the bank.
Wadia Support
Man kan i hvert fall ikke beskylde Wadia for å hevde forskjell på disse kablene for å pushe produktene til en samarbeidspartner. Her er ingen produsentnavn eller produktnavn nevnt.