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Litt om R core transformator
Where can found R-core Transformer?
Hi . Where can found R-core Transformer in internet? I want about 1.2KVA thanks a Lot.. :)
May I assume that your application is for power transformers? (The characteristics that are appropriate for 50/60Hz power transformers are definitely not the same as what is recommended for wide-band signal transformers.)
Toroidal transformers have good regulation and low output impedance, but OTOH high interwinding capacitance. High interwinding capacitance means wide bandwidth coupling between the primary and secondary windings. This may not be what you want in an audio power supply, as it implies that all kinds of noise as well as 50/60Hz can pass through the power supply. A toroidal transformer intended for a power supply should have an additional electrostatic shield between the primary & secondary windings, as this helps reduce the primary-secondary noise transmission issue somewhat.
EI (frame) core and R-core transformers usually have split-bobbin primary and secondary windings, which cuts down on interwinding capacitance and makes it considerably more difficult for non-50/60Hz noise components to pass in and out of the power supply. Additionally, R-cores have low levels of radiated Magnetic
flux and mechanical vibration, which allows them to be positioned closer to sensitive aplification circuitry without causing problems.
FWIW, I have experienced much greater variation in quality with EI-core power transformers than R-cores. I can't recall any R-core power transformer that I have used as having caused problems, but while a good EI-core is also perfectly acceptable, some EI-core transformers have definite quality problems in the areas of hum and vibration, temperature rise, magnetic flux radiation, and so on. It pays to go with a good manufacturer.
With R-cores and EI cores, you can also specify additional electrostatic shielding between the primary & secondary windings for less noise transmission, but this is not as critical as it is when using a toroidal transformer for power supply applications.
Also, EI and R-cores are usually physically larger and heavier for a given VA rating (at a given flux) than a toroidal, and this can have a direct impact on the size and weight of the supporting chassis.
hth, jonathan carr
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