Skal kjøpe Jazz At The Pawnshop på vinyl, har funnet en del eksemplarer, der noen er utgitt i Sverige og Noen en reissue fra Tyskland.
Hvilken bør jeg gå for?
Fikk dette fra en selger;
"Thank you very much for your interest in Jazz at the Pawnshop title.
The original release was Made in Sweden and the reissue release is Made in Germany which is indicated on the inside of the cover.
Nevertheless after checking both releases we can say that the reissue and the original have the same top sound quality"
Skal kjøpe Jazz At The Pawnshop på vinyl, har funnet en del eksemplarer, der noen er utgitt i Sverige og Noen en reissue fra Tyskland.
Hvilken bør jeg gå for?
Fikk dette fra en selger;
"Thank you very much for your interest in Jazz at the Pawnshop title.
The original release was Made in Sweden and the reissue release is Made in Germany which is indicated on the inside of the cover.
Nevertheless after checking both releases we can say that the reissue and the original have the same top sound quality"