Tror vi trenger blindtester.
Dina tafatta försök att förlöjliga SMTs produkter når hela tiden nya patetiska höjder.
Några ex :
- Du lanserar RPG:s produkter i Skandinavien samtidigt som du går ut på kända forum och kallar SMT:s produkter sneak oil ex
SMT Wing Diffusors vs. QRD Diffusors? Effective? - Page 10
-Du har inte under kontrollerade former gjort A/B eller blindtest av ”Wing effekten”
-Du drar dig inte för att involvera tredje part för att ”nå ditt mål” Denna gång fick Marten* ta skott tillsammans med bla de Skandinaviska forum medlemmar som objektivt uttalat sig . Lägg sedan till SMT:s välkända proaudio och highend kunder som genom åren positivt kommenterat vad du kallar sneakoil produkter (senast Jocke Berg )
-Du visar gång på gång att du inte begriper de fundamentala psycho akustiska sammanhangen och i förlängningen vad det unikt långa 5 ms impuls svaret( Wing familjen är endast optimerad i tids domänen ) från en single Wing modul psycho akustiskt betyder
-Du ser du dig själv som den som sitter på alla psycho akustiska svar IMO ingen bra kombination, speciellt då du ska representera/sälja RPG:s produkter
Tillbaka till verkligheten
18 SMT pallar beställda till 2016 Munchen mässans olika rum(ex Marten,Magico,Wilson Boenecke Manger,Mcintosch ,FM acoustic ) talar sitt tydliga språk
2016 Wing Highend shows statements:
Munich HighEnd show 2016
Best Sound (Cost No Object) by Absolute Sound
SMT Wings all around the room
”At perhaps the best dealer showroom I’ve ever visited, MySound, the Wilson Alexx was paired with Pass Labs electronics, a Sound Devices 744T recorder into a Meitner DAC, and MIT cables and interconnects, including MIT’s new ACC 268 articulation consoles. On a wonderful recording by Peter McGrath of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata, the piano sounded very natural and realistic, with concussive impact, great focus, and beautiful timbre. This demonstration in an optimized room showed how good this speaker can be.”
My-Sounds hemsida
Akustik | My-Sound
Apropå Peter McGrath så var han först ut att ”Lab A/B testa” wingarna utanför SMT:s egen ”Lab testgrupp” . Vad han tyckte kan letas upp i denna länk
SMT | A handful of references and work photos
-SMT acoustic treatment helps rocket the MBL room at Axpona 2016 to Best-of-Show according to Myles Astor from Positive Feedback.
Here is what he wrote:
”First, the MBL room. This is not the first time I’ve heard the X-tremes but the first time they’ve truly impressed me. No doubt some of that was directly traceable to the UHA Phase 12/OPS reel-to-reel tape deck. No doubt some was due to the use of the SMT Sweden Room treatment. Yes, others raved about the MBL X-tremes at CES but their sound left me wanting. Sure the X-tremes that year were fast and resolving but their sound left me cold. There was a discontinuity between the bass and omni-directional speakers and the overall sound was just too mechanical sounding and thin for my tastes. Jump ahead a couple of years to 2016, a different room, different equipment, much, much different room treatment ..."
- AXPONA 2016 with SMT Wing/Varitune got a very good review by Home Theatre Audio:
"This is the Von Schweikert Audio demo room. The speakers are the Von Schweikert VR-55 Aktive and they retail for $60,000 for the pair. The room was treated with acoustical products from SMT of Sweden. The performance of the system was fantastic with exquisite detail and realism. If you have the budget for a high-end system, put these on your list to audition."
-Norddeutsche HiFitage Germany ,february 2016
SMT Wings/Varitunes across the room!
Best of Show Award by Holger Biermann Stereoplay/lowbeats:
”The Best Sound in my opinion was the demonstration of Audio Components with a combination of Wilson Audio Sasha plus Devialet Monos 800 Everything sounded highly accurate, easy and with a generous spaciousness. I assume that a large part of the superior sound was the plurality of diffusers in the room - what ultimately doubly emphasizes the importance of room acoustics”. (google translate )
Wing hälsningar
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