Rapporten til J.P. Morgan.
Vis vedlegget 571830
Det er jo alltid interessant å bla litt i dette.
Rapporten har 3 deler.
1) Beskrivelse av global oppvarming (har ikke sett så nøye på den delen - der er sikkert IPCC mer oppdatert)
2) Virkning av global oppvarming
3) Respons til global oppvarmingl
Så fra side 11 i rapporten:
In a summary of all the macroeconomic assessments he can find, Tol21 lays out the impact on the level of GDP of various increases in global temperature, relative to pre-industrial times, in cross-sectional, panel models and Impact Assessment Models (Table 1122).
A number of things are striking here.
First, given the importance of the issue, there are very few estimates, 26 in all.
Second, current policies would result in a global temperature increase of around 3.5°C at the end of the century, relative to pre-industrial times, yet only two of the estimates examine the impact of temperature increases significantly above 3°C.
Third, given that these are estimates of the impact on the level of GDP in 2100 they are incredibly small. At the moment, global GDP is around US$100tn. At a growth rate of 2% a year, global GDP would reach around US$500tn at the end of the century. A loss of even 7%, the highest estimate in the table, would still leave the level of GDP in 2100 over four and a half times higher than today.
And fourth, these are counterfactual losses rather than actual losses. Nobody would have an income in 2100 lower than today in absolute terms, but rather lower than it would have been in the absence of climate change.
De prøver til og med å beregne nåverdien av tapt vekst for å få "klimakostnaden" til å bli større, men greier fortsatt ikke å få frem andre tall enn at vi blir 3-4 ganger rikere om 100 år enn i dag. Altså hvis man globalt i dag har 100 dollar - så vil man uten klimatap ha 500 dollar i 2100, mens med klimakostnader med 3,5 graders oppvarming så havner man på 385, 425 eller 460 i 2100.
Men det er altså overhodet ingen økonomisk risiko ved en oppvarming på 3,5 grader iht til denne rapporten.