Det har vært en debatt i DN og Aftenposten de siste dagene om forholdene på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Skal studentene lære å bli kunstnere, eller skal de læres de "riktige" holdningene?
Høgskolen i Østfold har lignende sjuke. De lyser ut en stipendiatstilling i, ja, et eller annet.
Jeg klippet ut teksten og gjengir den her. Som bonus er det nederst en lenke til en annen som heller ikke skjønner noe.
About the position
Norwegian Theatre Academy (NTA) at Østfold University College in Fredrikstad offers a research and study environment in the expanded fields of acting, performance and scenography. Students inquire into the intersections of art and society with internationally practicing guest artists and faculty. Values informing the education rely on listening, collaboration, staying with failure, re-imagining material relations, excavation and play.
Østfold University College is together with other universities and university colleges affiliated with the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme, PKU, and NTA is now seeking a well-qualified candidate for the programme. The fellow’s artistic research project and its development during the fellowship period is at the core of the program. The goal is to develop artistic competence at a high international level. Within the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme, the fellowship period is stipulated to three years, and completion of the programme confers associate professor competence.
For the time being, Norwegian Theatre Academy, Østfold University College, employs three research fellows enrolled in the programme.
We are inviting artists to apply for a research fellowship with a focus on roots in indigenous knowledge systems, who have developed artistic practices across or inside political and cultural borders (or in Diaspora). Indigenous knowledge systems can be interpreted in a broad geographical and cultural context and it is up to the applicant to position their work accordingly. This generally refers to culturally specific artistic perspectives which deal with displacement and strategies of fragmentation and recovery, developing parallel to, in resistance of and in some cases, existing prior to dominant cosmologies or structures. We are looking for a research fellow whose artistic practice includes anti-colonial perspectives, where contested ethics is at stake in the research. Applicants might, for example, bring interest in both archival and emerging practices and materials into dialogue, across contested borders, through fields such as performance, scenography, composition, choreography or theatre. The fellowship is rooted in artistic research where developing new artistic works/practices/methods are in focus. NTA is committed to fostering a research environment for practicing artists coming from a range of backgrounds, including applicants without prior links to established institutions, academies or Networks.
Og så var det hun som heller ikke skjønner noe:
Kunst pakkes inn i utilgjengelig språk, skriver Marianne Lorentzen McGill i ukas kulturdebatt.