Men man utroper ikke en vinner når det pågår omtelling og rettsaker.
Jo, det gjør man faktisk. Som jeg har skrevet er det sånn tradisjonen der borte er.
"Fifty-one separate elections — one in each state and one in Washington, DC. Each with different rules and regulations, and no national elections commission to tell the world who wins. How, then, to quickly and accurately determine who won the highest office in the land?
That’s where the news media come in — and have done so since 1848, when The Associated Press declared the election of Zachary Taylor as president.
The Electoral College actually chooses the president under the U.S. Constitution, acting in a process that starts with the popular vote across the republic. But its work takes weeks. In that strange vacuum created by a federalist system and worsened — in the 1800s — by the slow counting and communicating of returns, news organizations emerged as major players in first, collecting and adding together the vote from each state’s election officials around the country, then announcing the victor based on that vote count.
It evolved from an instinct to report the news, but mostly because Americans didn’t want to wait to find out the results until mid-December.
Against the reality of the decentralized government structure, no one but the media has been willing to take on the cost of tabulating votes, says Rick Edmonds, a media business analyst at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. The Federal Election Commission regulates some aspects of elections but doesn’t tabulate votes. So the vacuum remained between individual states’ results and the country’s collective decision."
Fifty-one separate elections — one in each state and one in Washington, DC. Each with different rules and regulations, and no national elections commission to tell the world who wins.
Så er det fortsatt rom for tvil, men tenk deg om – hvilket nyhetsmedium vil ta sjansen på å utrope en vinner for så å bli tatt i feil? AP var tidlig ute med å "call" Arizona, og stort sett alle andre medier ventet fordi de ikke syntes marginene var store nok. På et eller annet tidspunkt blir sannsynligheten så stor for ett resultat og så lite for et annet at det blir meningsløst å vente lengre.
Det er der vi er nå. Det er
usannsynlig at rettssakene og omtellingene vil gi et annet resultat enn at Biden vinner valget. Det er ikke forhåndsdømming å gå ut fra det, det er helt vanlig dømming på bakgrunn av gresselig god empiri.