The excessive use of distressing films from the frontline is terrifying already frightened people
had to turn off the television news half a dozen times last week which, for a journalist who is obliged to stay on top of events, is quite something. I took this uncharacteristic step because I could not bear to watch, over and over again, the same film reports of appalling distress from hospital intensive care wards, some of them featuring interviews with patients who died after being filmed.
Presumably, the managers of broadcast news believe that this intrusive, emotionally manipulative programming is serving the national interest. By displaying the reality of the Covid epidemic and its consequences for the NHS, they are convincing those who doubt the seriousness of the situation – or who treat lockdown restrictions with contempt – that they are being criminally irresponsible.
I am sorry to have to tell all of you who are doing this in good conscience – the producers and the film crews, touring hospitals to make sensational film packages from the front line, perhaps with the encouragement of Government ministers – that the delinquents who organise illegal raves and the indifferent who host big parties ARE NOT WATCHING. They detached themselves long ago from this phenomenon which, for various reasons, they feel has nothing to do with them.
The people who are watching, sometimes obsessively, are the isolated, the lonely, and the already-frightened who are being driven further into the depths of terror and despair. In fact, I have spoken to a great many decent, rational, rule-following people who have switched off the television news coverage altogether because they find it
too demoralising or voyeuristic.
Of course, it is right to report
the genuine state of crisis in the hospitals and to include some testimony from their exhausted staff. But by the end of last week, the main news bulletins were being led, not by information and badly needed factual evidence, but by these highly personal stories which, in journalistic terms, should be considered feature “colour” pieces rather than news. And the 24-hour news channels were repeating the most upsetting of them, even if they were several days old, every hour of the day and night.
I can’t recall any national phenomenon – not even a wave of terror attacks – which has been treated with such relentless, repeated exposure of private suffering. The broadcasters will, of course, say that this is all being done with the consent of patients’ families. But bereaved or terrified relatives are not necessarily in a fit state to make judgments about what should be exposed, constantly, to the public gaze. That is a matter of principle for those who are responsible for these decisions.
They must ask themselves, what is the likely effect of this on those who are not switching off? It can only be a sense of utter helplessness and vicarious grief. Eventually this must result either in resignation – a state of clinical depression – or in anger. (Because people eventually resent being frightened.) Neither of these things are helpful in the present situation. Both, in fact, are destructive of public morale which might, in the end, produce less compliance, and can, in themselves, result in further collateral damage to mental health and to family relationships.
If the Government, or the NHS, is facilitating this campaign, it would seem to be yet another consequence of their failure to read the effect on the national consciousness of their own bizarre changes of tone. What happens to the public mood when they switch the optimism tap on and off with what seems, to an exasperated populace, like arbitrary whimsy? One day, there is a triumphal announcement of the (genuinely) stupendous, world-beating vaccination programme motoring along according to plan. And the next, there is Matt Hancock telling a television interviewer that we are
a “long, long, long” (he actually did repeat the word three times) way from being able to lift restrictions.
How is anybody supposed to know what to make of this? If your personal physician were to tell you at one visit that your treatment was going very successfully and that you were recovering well. And then at the next, a day later, that it would be a “long, long, long” time before you could expect to lead anything like a normal life, you would probably conclude that he was incompetent – or a sadist.