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- 20.04.2009
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Noe skal barnet hete og her smeller vi til med både psykofysikk og auditiv nevrofysiologi i trådtittelen.
Information for prospective students (sc.edu)
-this work utilized a high-performance audio system and an extended-duration listening protocol that more closely resembles audiophile auditioning conditions. With these measures, the present work was able to prove through direct psychoacoustic testing that two different analog-interconnect pathways can be audibly distinguished.
Dette er i grunnen ikke noe nytt her på Sentalen. Asbjørn har mange ganger påpekt at støy kan avsløre komponenter. Her er det dog bevist, og metoden for å bevise det virker spennende. Det er også spennende at han antyder videre testing på kabler som gjelder transmisjonkarakteristikker og tidsfenomen.
Milind N. Kunchur er Professor ved University of South Carolina, Columbia, U.S.A.
God helgelesing dere.
Information for prospective students (sc.edu)
- This research investigates the physics, psychophysics, and auditory neurophysiology pertaining to high-end audio.
- Our psychoacoustic experiments have proven that humans can discern timing alterations on a 5 microsecond time scale, regardless of the highest frequency they can hear.
- Other published work has proven that 2-channel stereo is able to reproduce 3D sound, including the controversial dimension of height.
- Ongoing work is examining the effectiveness and fallibility of blind testing protocols in the context of how the brain manages auditory short-term memory. This enabled bridging the disparity between anecdotal audiophile reports and published formal research.
- Other ongoing work seeks to prove that audio cables do influence sound quality, and seeks to understand the physical reasons for differences in sonic performance.
-this work utilized a high-performance audio system and an extended-duration listening protocol that more closely resembles audiophile auditioning conditions. With these measures, the present work was able to prove through direct psychoacoustic testing that two different analog-interconnect pathways can be audibly distinguished.
Dette er i grunnen ikke noe nytt her på Sentalen. Asbjørn har mange ganger påpekt at støy kan avsløre komponenter. Her er det dog bevist, og metoden for å bevise det virker spennende. Det er også spennende at han antyder videre testing på kabler som gjelder transmisjonkarakteristikker og tidsfenomen.
Milind N. Kunchur er Professor ved University of South Carolina, Columbia, U.S.A.
God helgelesing dere.