Politikk, religion og samfunn Russland - En tikkende bombe eller bare fjas?

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  • Aurora

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    Ytterst i havgapet...
    Problemet med oppbygging av Forsvaret i Norge er all kokkelimonken mellom politikere og offiserer, aktive og pensjonerte, med en agenda... Dette har over år ført til at man har "sølt" vekk mange titalls milliarder på idiotiske nedlegginger, opprettinger, flyttinger, omrokkeringer og gud vet hva... I tillegg kommer all "sparingen" som er en del av alle budsjettene gjennom de siste tiår........ når man skal ta inn 10% av årsbudsjettene som innsparing gjennom et par tiår, så skjønner alle med normale regneferdigheter at det ikke er mulig.... i alle fall ikke uten å skrote øvinger, trening, vedlikehold, osv osv...

    Odd J

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    Tror Norge har godt av å samordne forsvaret med Sverige og Finland. Det ligger godt til rette rent geografisk og det virker som vi har godt av å få hjelp til å stake ut rett kurs i samarbeid med andre.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Ja, jo, forsåvidt. Du har nok helt rett i dette.
    MEN; samtidig er det viktig å huske på at om noe av alle disse galskapsgreiene som ligger i samme skuff faktisk skulle skje (av typen å invadere Ukraina for å utslette og ta over hele greia), så blir det jo sånn "ah, stemmer det. Dette er jo det lederne våre sa vi skulle gjøre for lenge siden, jammen godt å se at det skjer"

    Når ting går etter planen som er kunngjort i årevis, blir folk flest ikke sjokkerte og gjør opprør. Da er jo alt som forventet, og ting er som det skal være.
    Har du lest putlers manifest fra juli i fjor?

    Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus, which was the largest state in Europe. Slavic and other tribes across the vast territory – from Ladoga, Novgorod, and Pskov to Kiev and Chernigov – were bound together by one language (which we now refer to as Old Russian), economic ties, the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty, and – after the baptism of Rus – the Orthodox faith. The spiritual choice made by St. Vladimir, who was both Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kiev, still largely determines our affinity today.

    Langt fra historisk korrekt, som også Snyder har påpekt i sin forelesningsserie, men det er bare å ta en titt på kartet for å se hvilket territorium og gamle byer putler regner som russisk. Dette er fra Ladoga-innsjøen ved St Petersburg sørover via Novgorod og Pskov (på grensen til Latvia) samt Kyiv og Chernihiv.

    Litauen og Polen omtales av putler som andre europeiske stater og sivilisasjoner, og ikke nedstammet fra eller del av Kyivan Rus (snarere motsatt, at store deler av Kyivan Rus i flere år ble kontrollert først av Litauen og deretter the Polsk-Litauiske samveldet). Som jeg har skrevet før, selv da Litauen og Polen var okkupert av tsar-Russland så hadde Kreml diplomatiske sendelag i både Warszawa og Vilnius, ergo ble de betraktet mer som russiske kolonier enn noen integrert del av det russiske imperie.

    Hva gjelder fra Lisboa til Vladivostok så må dette også forstås som noe helt annet enn uttrykk for militær ambisjon. Det henspeiler snarere på slagordet fra Helsingforstraktaten i 1975 "Fra Vancouver til Vladivostok". Det handler i stedet om en ønsket frakobling av det transatlantiske og et USA uten innblanding i europeiske forhold, og drømmen om en eurasiatisk interessesfære, fra Lisboa til Vladivostok, hvor et gjenoppstått Stor Russland fra Katerina IIs tid, står i sentrum som eneste hegemon.
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    E. Largo

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    Disco Volante
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    Hi-Fi freak
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    Helt enig, det må rustes opp til et nivå der man har reell avskrekking. Dette handler ikke bare om Putin. Etter ham kommer det nye av samme sorten. Russerne har inntatt en rolle der de kan marinere seg i den perfekte miksen av nasjonal eksepsjonalisme, konspirasjonsteorier/historieforfalskning, nasjonal offerrolle og en sterk følelse av å være forfulgt. Et tap i Ukraina vil bare forsterke alt dette og gjøre russerne enda mer sikre på å måtte holde på slik de gjør nå mer eller mindre til evig tid. Det eneste som vil bli forstått er kontant makt. Møtt på grensen. Det blir et nytt jernteppe, denne gang bygd av de som ikke vil være innafor. Og det kommer til å følge Russlands yttergrenser.
    Ikke bare må vi oppruste for å avskrekke angrep på eget land, men vi er også forpliktet til å hjelpe alle andre NATO land som er under angrep.


    Ble medlem
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    "They attacked a completely defenseless airfield...." :)

    Du stor min, hvilken verden lever egentlig disse folka i?

    Vi starter en krig, men forbeholder oss retten til å bestemme hvor den skal foregå?


    J. Brünnhilde
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    "They attacked a completely defenseless airfield...." :)
    Sist jeg hørte hadde ikke vi luftvern til jagerbasen (entall ja) vår. Mulig at det er helt feil, vi kan da vel ikke ha sendt vårt eneste NASAMS til Ukraina?


    Ble medlem
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    Og det er da vel heller ikke gitt at det er riktig medisin.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Det hevdes at det var en Tupolev tu-141 som angrep Engels bombeflybase. Samme antikverte drone som ukrainerne nektet for var deres da det landet en i Zagreb Kroatia, etter å ha fløyet over Ungarn. Hvis det stemmer har russerne en ny Mathias Rust skandale når det gjelder kontroll over eget luftrom.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Leste ett eller annet sted tidligere i dag at de iranske Shahed-dronene visstnok ikke trives så godt i minusgrader. Har uansett ikke vært så mye snakk om dem den siste tiden.


    Ble medlem
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    Visstnok ikke i bruk siden 17.11. Plasten i de krakkelerer i minusgrader.


    J. Brünnhilde
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    Sangen var en hit under WWII. Et eller annet sted har jeg en gutte/ungdomsbok om en Short Sunderland i kamp med åtte (!) Junkers 88, der en av skytterne ombord på Sunderlanden gir seg til å synge den mens det står på som verst. Rimelig å antaa at boka er en dramatisering av denne hendelsen (Wikipedia):
    The type's capacity to defend itself was demonstrated in particular by an air battle over the Bay of Biscay on 2 June 1943, when eight Junkers Ju 88Cs attacked a single Sunderland Mk III of No. 461 Squadron RAAF: EJ134, squadron code: "N for Nuts". The 11 crew, led by F/Lt Colin Walker, were on an anti-submarine patrol, while also watching for any signs of a missing airliner, BOAC Flight 777.[30] At 1900 hours, the rear gunner saw the Ju 88s, which belonged to V.Kampfgeschwader 40 and were led by Leutnant Friedrich Maeder. Walker ordered the dumping of the bombs and depth charges, and took the engines to full power. Two Ju 88s made simultaneous passes at EJ134 from both sides, scoring hits and disabling one engine, while the pilots fought fires and took the Sunderland through corkscrew manoeuvres. On a third pass, the dorsal turret gunner badly damaged or shot down a Ju 88, although the Sunderland's rear gunner was knocked unconscious.

    The next Ju 88 that attacked was hit by fire from the dorsal and nose turrets, and appeared to have been shot down. By this time, one crew member on the Sunderland had been mortally wounded and most of the others were wounded to varying degrees, while the aircraft's radio gear had been destroyed, among other damage. However, the rear gunner had recovered, and when EJ134 was attacked from behind, another Ju 88 was badly damaged and left the fight. The remaining Ju 88s continued to attack and the front gunner damaged one of these, setting its engines on fire. Two more Ju 88s were also damaged and the Germans disengaged. EJ134 was badly damaged and the crew threw everything they could overboard, while nursing the aircraft over the 350-mile (560 km) journey to Britain. At 2248 hours, Walker managed to beach the aircraft at Praa Sands, Cornwall. The 10 surviving crew members were able to wade ashore, while the Sunderland broke up in the surf. Walker received the Distinguished Service Order and several other crew members also received medals. They claimed three Ju 88s destroyed. (With the exception of Walker, the crew returned to operations in a new "N for Nuts", which was lost over the Bay of Biscay two months later, in an attack by six Ju 88s. On 2 June 2013, a memorial was opened on the green at Praa Sands.
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    E. Largo

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    Girkin/Strelkov har hatt ett opphold ved fronten og rapporterer følgende på sin Telegram kanal.

    I am in Moscow. Attempt No. 3 to take a direct part in the hostilities against the armed forces of respected Kyiv partners (they are now referred to in the reports of the Ministry of Defense as some kind of "militants") did not end in success, although it was very close to that.

    Briefly, without details:

    So, having arrived (as agreed) at the end of the first ten days of October on the territory of the DPR, on the 14th, I appeared at one of the military commissariats of the republic, where I wrote a statement asking for voluntary mobilization of myself into the ranks of the DPR Armed Forces. On the same day, he was enlisted in the marching company of the N-th motorized rifle brigade of the 1st corps of the NM of the DPR for subsequent assignment to the N-th battalion of the N-th rifle regiment. Received the corresponding temporary certificate. (Supplied). During a number of working trips, I visited Donetsk several times. I was (unofficially) informed that the "inconsistent" enrollment in the NM of the DPR caused dissatisfaction with the "higher command", but they assured me that this issue "would be resolved over time", but for now I will fulfill my duties, formally holding the position of private (which suited me quite well, since the choice between "checkers and go" was initially made in favor of "go", and I was not going to apply for command positions and related preferences and regalia).

    Further, after a rather long stay at the military training ground as the acting chief of staff of the battalion being formed, in November he left with a group of battalion fighters to the area where the main forces of the N regiment were located in the area of Svatovo, where he tried to carry out the duties of the beginning for a little more than 10 days. battalion headquarters regarding preparations for its upcoming combat use at the front. The location of the unit was within the range of enemy field artillery fire, however, during my stay it was never subjected to shelling (although attacks on this NP and its environs were repeatedly made earlier).
    After that, he again departed, first to the location of the PPD of the N-th brigade and then to the training ground.
    As part of the performance of the duties of the NSh battalion, at the end of November, I found out with some bewilderment that not only did I not hold a position in my battalion, but I was not at all listed in the states of the N regiment. Trying further to understand my status, I quickly established that I was also long gone from the lists of the personnel of the N-th brigade (in the marching company of which I entered upon enrollment).

    Further informal investigation allowed, in general terms, to establish the following:
    - shortly after being enrolled in the marching company, I was transferred to the N-th regiment, in which I was enrolled for exactly one day (in the morning I was listed, in the evening I was taken out without a trace). All these manipulations (probably done under pressure "from above") were not formalized by any orders.
    - as a result, from October to the end of November, I was illegally in the N-th battalion of the N-th regiment, illegally carried weapons and ammunition, illegally traveled to the area of the NMD and to the frontline zone. If something happened to me during these trips, then ... should I explain that it would be represented exclusively by the "amateur activity of the adventurer Girkin" or (at best) by an accident during "volunteer activities"? - With a corresponding complete lack of obligations on the part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation / DPR and the state in relation to me.
    - the command of the N-th regiment and battalion knew about all this, but - receiving very solid assistance for their unit (food, equipment, vehicles, funds for fuel, the flow of volunteers, etc.) due to my stay in the regiment and battalion, - They preferred not to tell me.

    The establishment of all these circumstances made my further stay in the N regiment impossible. And since I was in it (as indicated above), it turns out, I was not formally involved in any way - I just had to hand over the machine gun, pistol, grenades and ammunition illegally issued to me (since the battalion is not at the front and even in the frontline zone and it is not known when it will be there and whether it will turn out at all), settle pressing issues with undistributed equipment and humanitarian aid, as well as volunteers (most of them were redirected - together with "Prapor" - to combat units and subunits with more adequate, responsible and competent command) and depart where I see fit. Which is what I have done. I returned to Moscow late last night.

    And now also briefly on the impressions of the trip, which was inconclusive, but not useless (since my eyes and ears remained with me, and my head is also still working).

    Naturally, I intend to keep the vast majority of my impressions and conclusions to myself. To, so to speak, "not to discredit". Positive impressions - I will share in the upcoming (hopefully) video conferences. But there are not too many of them - in relation to the negative ones.

    And now I will only note that the basis of all our "increasing victories" on the fronts and directions of the NMD is the deepest crisis of strategic planning. Simply put, the troops are fighting "by inertia", not having the slightest idea of the ultimate strategic goals of the current military campaign and only guessing about the vague plans of the command for such grandiose senseless gestures as the construction of a completely insane in uselessness (but wildly expensive in terms of execution cost) Surovikin Lines.

    In most parts of the RF Armed Forces, soldiers and officers do not understand: for what, for what and for what purposes they are fighting in general. For them, a mystery - what is the condition for victory or just a condition for ending the war? And the authorities of the Russian Federation are not able to explain this to them, since setting a clear goal for the NWO means "limiting room for maneuver" - that is, losing the opportunity to declare the goals of the NWO as achieved at any moment that the Kremlin leaders consider convenient. (For the thousand and first time, I remind you that the passionately desired “reconciliation with partners,” for which many steps are being taken to this day that demoralize society and the army, is unattainable in principle, but the Kremlin and Staraya Square do not want to believe in it).
    Such sentiments specifically in the troops lead to apathy. Apathy, on the other hand, leads to a drop in morale and the fulfillment of the tasks set "for show" and "slip of the sleeves", without a real interest in their successful result. So - in the army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (and parts of the Armed Forces of the LDNR, although there the fighters have much more motivation) apathy prevails.

    The absence of a clear military-political strategy does not allow the military to develop tactics that will contribute to its implementation. In the meantime - "on a whim" - the RF Armed Forces are preparing for a protracted positional war, building long-term structures along the entire front in the style of "a la the Mannerheim Line" (it does not pull on the "Maginot Line"). The fact that following the strategy of a protracted war is suicide for the Russian Federation (and its authorities and elites, too, by the way) - I wrote back in 2014, but I said (more than once or twice) - from the very beginning of the current campaign.

    Therefore, watching how the enemy slowly (and without encountering any opposition) implements his own strategic tasks with the complete passivity of the military and political authorities of the Russian Federation, I do not expect anything good at the front in the coming weeks.

    And, yes, - the so-called. "Ukraine" will NOT freeze in winter, will NOT rebel and will NOT fight worse. Vice versa. Its soldiers, who have already believed in their strength as a result of the autumn victories of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are fully supported by NATO, will only fight harder and harder against the "Muscovites", avenging the hardships that their relatives and friends in the rear are forced to bear. And they will be met only by apathetic performance of duty, behind which many fighters and commanders have long been looming the unresolved question: "What are we doing here, if Moscow is most concerned with the implementation of" grain deals ", the unhindered pumping of ammonia through Odessa and the" price ceiling " on gas and oil supplied to numerous Western partners?

    Oversatt av Google fra russsisk.

    Dr Dong

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    landskapet uten motstand
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    om han noen gang skulle feile kapitalt, han er for alltid skrevet inn i boken hvor helter lever evig.

    det er ikke til å tro hvordan han, hæren og folket har lært oss sløve hva frihet koster, og dreier seg om noe helt annet enn å kunne velge mellom 10 forkjellige vaskepulver. seminar fra virkeligheten!

    retorikken har et begrep om kairos. dette er kairos langt inn i handlingen.

    “The president is here. We are all here. Our soldiers are here.”

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    «Beskyldningen» om at russerne bruker clusterbomber mot sivile mål er ikke en «accusation», men en faktaopplysning. De lange tingene med perforeringer i denne haugen er bærekonstruksjoner fra clusterbomber. Alle sammen.
    • Liker
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    Hi-Fi freak
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    Vi skal ikke glemme heltene, men heller ikke EUs fremste femtekolonnist Orban, som la ned veto mot den finansielle støttepakken på 18 milliarder Euro til Ukraina.



    Ble medlem
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    Ytterst i havgapet...
    Klasebomber er jo forbudt, - noe russerne selvsagt gir blanke blaffen i...... de har vel heller ikke ratifisert forbudet...


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Holistisk Hifi Helt
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    Vareprat er som kjent et av de sterkeste virkemidlene innen markedsføring.
    I så måte må denne reaksjonen ink. videoen fra Ukraina score rimelig høyt på lista!



    Ble medlem
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    Vareprat er som kjent et av de sterkeste virkemidlene innen markedsføring.
    I så måte må denne reaksjonen ink. videoen fra Ukraina score rimelig høyt på lista!

    Jeg jobbet med Nasams da jeg var i kongens klær. Godt å se at det fungerer som det skal, og godt å vite at vi har dette systemet.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Jeg jobbet med Nasams da jeg var i kongens klær. Godt å se at det fungerer som det skal, og godt å vite at vi har dette systemet.
    Ja ordet Combat Proven brukes i markedsføring av våpensystem hvor det er tilfelle og det ordet er mere enn gull verd. Det skjønner man godt. En ting er simuleringer og de relativt enkle målscenari man får til på et skytefelt. En annen ting er ja.... !


    Odd J

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    Veldig bra at man har utviklet våpen som er egnet til å beskytte sivil infrastruktur. Moderne krigføring ser ut til å gå etter sivile mål nesten fra dag en, det er en del av den militære strategien. Eksportmulighetene for NASAMS er nok virkelig gode i tida framover. Bare å skru opp produksjonen!


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Sveitserne er noen raringer.

    Hjelpe et europeisk land forsvare seg mot en overgriper som bryter alle Genève-konvensjoner er fyfy.

    Bygge egen finanssektor på Nazi-gull fra folkemord og polering av bloddiamanter, se det er helt innafor.
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