"SV fant opp homoterapi"? Såvidt jeg vet blir gjerne Roberth Galbraith Heath tilskrevet oppfinnelsen av 'conversion therapy'.Her er det så mye selvmotsigelser å ta tak i at telefonen min får ikke med seg alt.
Hvordan kan det være likestilling mellom kjønnene når kjønn er flytende? Hva med ikke-binære?
SV vil ha færre kirker og motarbeider et fenomen de har funnet opp selv, homoterapi.
Robert Galbraith Heath (May 9, 1915 – September 21, 1999) was an American psychiatrist.[1][2] He followed the theory of biological psychiatry that organic defects were the sole source of mental illness,[3] and that consequently mental problems were treatable by physical means. He published 425 papers and three books.[4][5][6] One of his first papers is dated 1946.[7] He was profiled as a "famous American psychiatrist" in 1983 by Psychiatric Annals.[8]
Heath founded the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University, New Orleans, in 1949 and remained its chairman until 1980.[4][9][10] He performed many experiments there involving electrical stimulation of the brain via surgically implanted electrodes. He placed deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes into the brains of more than 54 patients.[11][12][13][14] Indeed, he has been cited as the first, or one of the first, researcher(s) to have placed electrodes deep into the brains of living human patients.[15][1] It has been suggested that this work was financed in part by the government, particularly the CIA or U.S. military.[16][17][18]
In 1972, he claimed to have converted a homosexual man to heterosexuality using DBS.[13][19] Heath also experimented with the drug bulbocapnine to induce stupor, and LSD,[20][21] using prisoners in the Louisiana State Penitentiary as experimental subjects.[22] He worked on schizophrenia patients, which he regarded as an illness with a physical basis.[23] Today Heath's work is considered highly controversial and is only rarely used as reference material.[1][24][25]
Robert Galbraith Heath - Wikipedia

Og artig nok er Roberth Galbraith også pseudonymet til J. K. Rowling, som velkjent nok ofte anklages for å være transfob. Men det er sikkert bare et sammentreff.

Why J.K. Rowling's Pseudonym is Linked to Harmful Conversion Therapist
Robert Galbraith Heath was a mid-20th century psychiatrist who pioneered a range of unethical practices that would later become known as conversion therapy.