- Ble medlem
- 28.09.2016
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- 12.009
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Kan det være at vi på et eller annet plan har lært noe allikevel??Det ser jaggu ut til at Trump er i ferd med å miste neonazi-segmentet også.
Synd, han som satset alt på nettopp de segmentene som stikker fra ham nå.![]()
Trump Has Started to Piss Off White Supremacists
Donald Trump’s campaign strategy has shockingly lost support with a key part of his voter base.newrepublic.com
Trump Is Going All in on Weird, Lonely Young Dudes Who Hate Women
His interview with influencer Adin Ross earlier this week is part of a broader effort to answer Kamala Harris’s nomination with an unabashed courtship of too-online misogynists.newrepublic.com
Ved nærmere ettertanke... neppe.