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Robin Horsfall
2025. Don’t sniff!
I anticipate 2025, with the greatest trepidation. In a country where guns are as numerous as automobiles and decisions are made on the opinions of people who are unsure which side of the country the Pacific is on; I have very good reasons to fear the worst.
Power has been purchased in a nation that believes that everyone has a price, by a man who discovered a long time ago that he didn’t need the votes of the educated classes. In a democracy any majority will do. It has been reported that 21% of the adult population of the USA are ‘functionally illiterate,’ that’s a lot of votes for free pizza and a baseball cap. Another 30% will never obtain a formal education because of the cost. That group (who are far from illiterate) resent being excluded from the professional world because they don’t have a college degree. That’s 51% and we haven’t even started on the people who think their problems are all caused by illegal immigration.
These are the ingredients, the heat for the oven is provided by the man who tell them what they want to hear and the 2% who hold 98% of the nation’s capital. The bankers who own the oil industry, the motor industry and aviation, place billions behind anyone who will benefit them. Anyone who will prevent the advance of new technology, who will ‘drill, drill, drill.’
While gas is cheap internal combustion will rule! The spice (oil) must flow.
Trump will control Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Executive. The only place he might discover an educated resistance is in the military. He will remove Generals who will not swear allegiance to him. To the great leader! Will they bend the knee?
Some will feel duty bound to resist, their oath is to the constitution. Some will not. The last time graduates from West Point divided into two factions, the USA had a civil war.
Don’t sniff!
We might think that this is not possible. Many thought, (in Europe at least) a return of Trump was also impossible. People thought the rise of Hitler was ridiculous, The rise of Mao, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the end of the Soviet Union. All these things happened, and millions died.
The rise of Trump means the end of the post WW2 Empire of USA. In this crazy world, the UK, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan might one day find themselves aligned with Russia against a new and terrible enemy - in the west!
Robin Horsfall
Who Dares Shares.
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