”What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year”. Nedtellingen har startet. Vi takker våre kunder, leverandører og produsenter og ønsker alle et godt...
«The YB Mk IIs are stunning in their appearance, and an owner can derive considerable satisfaction from the strong link be- tween the way they look and the way they sound—form does, indeed, follow...
Julen 2021. Hva er vel bedre enn å åpne presanger, spise god mat og lytte til god musikk?. Jo, det er når man får muligheten til å gjøre det sammen med sine nære og kjære. Vi ønsker Alle medlemmer...
Første sett i verden!!. Allerede fra nå av kan vi tilby demo av 3 generasjon Exquisite Midi. Ingen Kharma er utviklet som Midi, der mål å få best mulig lyd i et mest mulig kompakt kabinett som...
“We hereby launch the Exquisite Midi 3.0 model!. The Midi has always been a very popular Exquisite model, so we have given it a lot of thoughts on how to improve the performance of such a wanted...
«All of this lusciousness was combined with an open, wide and deep soundstage almost completely disassociated from the physical structures of the speakers themselves. Especially in the upper...
«The Progression is a hugely capable and versatile integrated. Rarely have we come across an amplifier that offers such sonic insight and control. Staggering clarity and detail. Superb build and...
«The Estelon Forza is a costly, well-engineered, striking-looking, exciting-sounding loudspeaker that, with the right associated equipment, is capable of delivering spectacular sonic performances...