“For anyone who values colorful and glowing amplification that brings natural timbre and the subtlest of details and dynamic shifts to the fore while supplying a breathtakingly full measure of...
«FIRST-CLASS PERFORMANCE. Elegance, innovation and boldness. The solid stainless steel structure with a diameter of 50 mm is joined to the shelves using special carbon fibre connectors that...
“It was only when I installed the Progression Preamp that the magic was revealed. Now the sound was infused with a tube-like bass bloom without any loss of lucidity, the pairing revealing the...
NYHET!!. Distributør# for ARTNOVION. Artnovion er drevet av lidenskap for akustikk. Ved å bruke teknologi i kjernen av et solid nettverk av partnere, blandes de beste fasettene innen design og...
“The dCS conveyed it with a sense of weight and gravity, majesty and grandeur that I had not heretofore experienced, apart from a live performance” #. Designet for den ultimate lytteopplevelse...
«Sound to love. The Forza is a marvelous loudspeaker». Tidløs design, kraftig ytelse, enorm holografi. Estelon Forza, har den “perfekte” synergien mellom estetikk og ingeniørkunst. Hele testen av...
«Best Quality for Music starts at their origin, only with PURE ENERGY. One of the most important facts to hear the excellent quality of your audio-components is the purity and stability of the...
Nyhet - The BRAMA Collection. Tidløs kvalitet. Med BRAMA åpner produsenten et nytt kapittel med visjon å tilby blant det beste innen hjemmelydprodukter. Lansering forventes ved årslutt. •...