I podcast-serien med Hifi-myter som avlives, så er nå 3. runde kommet. Flere interessante poenger, så kan anbefales hvis man er heldig å ha litt ledig tid i helgen 
Personen som avliver mytene er denne gang Eelco Grimm. Litt bakgrunninfo om han:
Eelco Grimm is lecturer and researcher at HKU Music and Technology. In the Studio Technology course he covers topics such as acoustics, analogue and digital audio, microphone techniques in stereo and surround. He also coaches graduate students. Eelco's research focuses on loudness normalisation of sounds in the context of television and radio broadcast, internet music and video, personal media players and smart phones and the cinema. For these projects he sits in the P/LOUD committee of the EBU and the Technical Committee on Sound for Digital Cinema & Television of the AES and he chairs the Dutch Broadcasting Loudness Committee. He is member of a small group of industry leading sound engineers such as Bob Ludwig and Bob Katz, gathered under the name 'Music Loudness Alliance', that promotes the use of loudness normalisation toward leading companies in the consumer electronics and software world.
Mytene som avlives er følgende:
1. Reality is the reference
2. A loudspeaker should look like a loudspeaker
3. A driver is ‘firing’ somewhere
4. A toe-in setup of loudspeakers gives a blurred stereo image
5. Room EQ can improve a great system
6. Vinyl sounds better than digital
7. Ripped CDs sound better than lossless streaming
8. High sample rates are necessary for imaging
9. The DSD format has magical benefits
10. Carefully balancing separate components from various specialist manufacturers offers the greatest chance of high sound quality.
Podcasten kan høres på Spotify og mange andre podcast-tilbydere.
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Personen som avliver mytene er denne gang Eelco Grimm. Litt bakgrunninfo om han:
Eelco Grimm is lecturer and researcher at HKU Music and Technology. In the Studio Technology course he covers topics such as acoustics, analogue and digital audio, microphone techniques in stereo and surround. He also coaches graduate students. Eelco's research focuses on loudness normalisation of sounds in the context of television and radio broadcast, internet music and video, personal media players and smart phones and the cinema. For these projects he sits in the P/LOUD committee of the EBU and the Technical Committee on Sound for Digital Cinema & Television of the AES and he chairs the Dutch Broadcasting Loudness Committee. He is member of a small group of industry leading sound engineers such as Bob Ludwig and Bob Katz, gathered under the name 'Music Loudness Alliance', that promotes the use of loudness normalisation toward leading companies in the consumer electronics and software world.
Mytene som avlives er følgende:
1. Reality is the reference
2. A loudspeaker should look like a loudspeaker
3. A driver is ‘firing’ somewhere
4. A toe-in setup of loudspeakers gives a blurred stereo image
5. Room EQ can improve a great system
6. Vinyl sounds better than digital
7. Ripped CDs sound better than lossless streaming
8. High sample rates are necessary for imaging
9. The DSD format has magical benefits
10. Carefully balancing separate components from various specialist manufacturers offers the greatest chance of high sound quality.
Podcasten kan høres på Spotify og mange andre podcast-tilbydere.
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