Audio notes venner
Litt nyheter for dem som lurer på poder, fjerniser, osv..:
Later in March we will be announcing the new L3 Line Pre-amplifier Mk2 version! We have made a number of enhancements to the transformer coupled Line Pre-amp kit including a new Remote Control Option that will support Selection and Volume Control , we can also provide Balance control by adding an additional stacked remote board - the Remote board itself will use AN tantalum resistors. For non remote customers we have drilled the chassis to support a wide range of Poteniometers and Stepped Attenuators that you can buy from us or on your own. Over the years many customers ordering kits have wanted special pots or attenuators with their kit! You will be able to choose from stereo stepped attenuators, mono attenuators , Noble and ALPS Volume Pots etc... We are also adding a selector switch extender kit that will allow much shorter wire lengths. Along with all this a new HardWired Board and PCB for the 5687 line stage will be added.
Check out the new L3 Phono Page as we have some new information on this kit - you can also check out the link at the bottom of the L3 Phono Page to the web site where Professor Brookes does a complete Build with the new Larger PHONO Board.Its a fantastic product and I am very excited about it - the ultimate in standalone Phono!
In March I am also expecting to release the new L2 Line/Phono Kit. This kit will be available at a good price point so that anyone can build a high quality Tube pre-amp with tons of upgrade potential.
The MonoBlock reviews are starting to come in now and its great to hear the feedback from customers - Its an exciting product and we have more plans in the amplifier world this year! Guess what - Some exciting Kit1 news is coming your way in April! Stay tuned......
Planning to attend the VSAC2008 conference in Washington at the end of May and hope to have some of the new Kit on display!
Brian Smith
AudioNote Kits