"If I were doing a practice run on ABX speaker cable tests. First I would start with something easy like 50 feet of that 22ga stuff that comes with cheap speakers against 12 feet of the real good cables. Once I learned the differences, I would work my way up."
Ikke sant? Det er tøft, for ikke å si dumdristig av Mike å begi seg inn på dette uten trening eller formening om hvordan en blindtest "virker". Jeg har jo selv holdt opp en rød klut og bedt om eksempler på hva som har latt seg påvise ved hjelp av blindtester.....
"And while I am quite objective, objectivism also tells me things about vinyl which are quickly disproven in Mike's system. So I am open to these kinds of subjective things as well. As I went through 3 sighted trials, I began to form an opinion which basically told me that there WAS a difference in cables. Subtle, but I can say with confidence that it was present. I thought the Monster cable was a bit harsher, with a little bit less separation between instruments. This may have been a bias from my expectation that the Opus network box could have been attenuating the high frequencies, but I swore it was there.
It is interesting to me that while I formed this opinion not having heard Mike or anyone else describe what they thought the difference was, after we stopped the whole test, Mike described what he previously thought the sighted difference sounded like (what he was listening for in the test) was practically identical to what I thought I was hearing sighted."
Dette er jo spennende? Tyder det på at vi mennesker innbiller oss at vi hører de samme tingene fordi vi ser de samme tingene? Eller tyder det på at det faktisk finnes noe hørbart her?
"Objectivists must also be honest about what our test results tell us: that with this methodology, and with this methodology ONLY, we could not reliably discern any differences in the cables. This does not prove that there are no differences with the cable, only that there were no differences discerned with this method."
Ikke sant? James Randi gikk vel så langt som å si at denne testen ikke hadde noe verdi fordi den ble avbrutt.
"I still would be interested in a similar test but spread out in time, doing maybe only one or two A/Bs at a time. This keeps fatigue down, and things don't all start to sound the same (again, just for the sake of argument assuming that there is an audible difference)."
"I am still open to the possibility of audible differences with speaker cable, however such differences must be quite small and very subtle.
Given the statements by many subjectivists that the difference is easy to discern, it should be easier to prove that there is a difference."
Enig! (Basert på mine erfaringer, dvs ikke erfaring med dyre kabler) en legg også bak øret at denne hobbyen handler om totalt sett små forskjeller.
"And yet I too was quite convinced that there was a subtle difference during the sighted trials. This is an interesting phenomenon. It was what prompted me to try my own hand at seeing how difficult it was to distinguish between the two cables, partly because I thought that given my impressions sighted, I could do it reliably blinded.
To me this is key -- the psychological fact is, people can and do tend to underestimate how easily their senses can be fooled."
Dette vippet nok Mike av pinnen også. Det er jo så lett å høre at dette er null problem å gjøre blindt....
Det som ikke rimer helt med "senses can be fooled" er hvordan de begge beskrev forskjellene likt uten å ha hørt om hverandres erfaringer på forhånd....
"I hope that Mike and Chris are encouraged by this test to consider other approaches. For instance, I would really like them to consider a test with some sort of ABX switch box in place. I know there is concern that the added circuitry could compromise the test---but again, that's why it is important to do the non-blind pre-test first. With an ABX box this is easy, because you can in fact know what "A" and "B" are even in the controlled setting. It's only "X" that is concealed. So, if you believe you can distinguish between A and B with the box in place, then the full ABX can proceed with confidence."
Høres spennende ut med en slik boks. De som klarte Løkkens test (tror det var kun Bambadoo) jobbet jo også MYE for å få frem forskjellene. Noe å tenke på?
"looking at the specific test results i got both #1 and #7 correct......directly after the sighted trial where my aural memeory was the freshist. what if i were to have 'A' , then 'B', then 'X' every time? would that change the outcome?"
Også interessant
"No doubt this test was an eye-opener for Mike. But had the test come out differently I dare say most of us would be demanding more evidence. (For example we'd be asking for frequency response measurements on the cables.) I think it's only fair that he do the same, and I hope he continues the search for it."
Tygg litt på den
"DBT's are HARD work, and a failure to end up with a positive result does not mean that there wasn't a sonic difference to be heard, just that the test you participated in may not have been capable of revealing it."
Fattig trøst? Kanskje.