Hei! Alt fra Blue Jeans Cable sendes fra Seattle, US.
This site (bluejeanscable.co.uk) was established as Blue Jeans Cable's primary site for sales outside of the US and Canada, and accordingly, there are a few differences which you may note between this site and our primary site (
www.bluejeanscable.com). As our ability to handle international orders on the US site has improved, the differences are smaller than they have been in the past, but we'll explain them here.
The primary pricing difference between this site and our US site is that pricing here is in British Pounds rather than in US Dollars. You may notice that the pricing, however, does not always represent a straight dollars-to-pounds conversion, and typically this means that the UK site price for an item is slightly higher than the US price. Does this mean we charge our international customers more than our US customers? It may look that way, but it's not--this will require a bit of detail.
Both on our US and on our UK site, prices of most items contain a sort of "implicit cost of shipping" component which we tally up when calculating shipping charges, and which is based primarily on item weight and size. When we calculate the shipping charge for your order, we work out the actual cost of shipping, and subtract from that amount the implicit shipping which was charged on the items in your cart. Because the cost of international shipping is higher, we have made the implicit shipping cost components on most items a bit higher, reflecting the higher marginal per-pound cost of shipping. If you fill your shopping cart with a set of items on our UK site, and fill another cart with the same set on our US site, you'll find that when you get to checkout, the higher cost of the items on the UK site will--plus or minus some small rounding error--be balanced out by a lower cost of shipping on the UK site than on the US site. Because our payment processor does not convert currency at as favorable a rate as we can obtain elsewhere, this ordinarily will mean that the US site pricing winds up being, if anything, a little bit higher in the end result, especially for UK customers, than pricing on this site.
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