Egen tråd for Hodetelefonoppsett?
Shure SRH-940 + gode lukkede hodetelefoner
atonal skrev:
Ad kommentarer om SRH-940: jeg eier et par slike (lytteinntrykk her noe omskrevet etter mine kommentarer på et annet forum).
Min referanse er Beyerdynamic 770 Pro 80 ohm.
Jeg kjenner ikke Beyerdynamic 770 Pro 80 ohm. Favoritthodetelefonen min er (vel) beyerdynamic T 1, men Denon AH-D7000 er heller ikke dum og Sennheiser HD 800 vs. beyerdynamic T 1 har jeg beskrevet i beyerdynamic Tesla-tråden.
Etter å ha lest dine kommentarer kom jeg til at vi egentlig (antagelig) er ganske enige, men har forskjellig utgangspunkt/referansebakgrunn.
Etter å ha hørt en del på Shure SRH-940 og fått en rimelig klar idé om dens egenskaper, hørte jeg gjennom en del av den samme musikken med AKG K 701 og Sennheiser HD 380 Pro som en kontroll. Uten grundig A-B-sammenligning fikk jeg inntrykk av at Shure SRH-940 har en god del til felles med AKG K 701 og AKG K 271 MK II. Jeg synes at disse er noe slanke og lette i bunnen. Når jeg opplevde Shure SRH-940 på samme måte, ble den straks mindre interessant for meg. Jeg har (formodentlig) nok AKG allerede.
Jeg ønsker meg en lukket hodetelefon som isolerer rimelig godt mot støy fra omverdenen (det gjør som kjent ikke Denon AH-D7000) for de dagene det er mye støy utenfor huset, f.eks. fra mange biler, mennesker, bikkjer eller gressklippere. Helst ønsker jeg meg vel noe i nærheten av en lukket beyerdynamic T 1. Foreløbig lesning tyder på at beyerdynamic T 5 p antagelig ikke er svaret. Neste kandidat er beyerdynamic T 70 (250 ohm).
Innerfidelitys Tyll Hertsens har ved flere anledninger skrevet noen betraktninger ang. lukkede (sealed) hodetelefoner. Han ser ut til å mene at det finnes meget få riktig gode lukkede hodetelefoner som isolerer godt, og at det er vanskelig å lage dem nogenlunde regningssvarende. Han har skrevet noe om at lukkede hodetelefoners kammereffekt kan være en problemårsak, men det fant jeg ikke akkurat nå.
Ain't it the truth ...
Submitted by Tyll Hertsens on May 25, 2011 - 5:44am.
... expensive, full size, sealed cans are a buggaboo. There are so few that sound really good. I find the Ed8 pleasant to hear, but still seem overpriced. And it sucks that the DX000 Denons don't isolate well, because they sound pretty good. I like the D5000 with JMoney pads, but the isolation still sux.
I will be doing a "Buyers Guide" to expensive sealed cans soon ... within a few weeks I reckon. I've got all the cans in-house and will be in listening sessions for the next week or so. Problem is, when looking at $250-$400 sealed cans, it's hard not to say, "Save some bux and buy the SHure SRH840 or save even more and buy the AT M50. Neither are great (both still seem to have a bit of a bity edge to them) but it's hard to come up with anything better.
(Well geez, I've just written the buyers guide, eh?)
Det kan nevnes at en anmelder på mener at 940`ene har en del til felles med den flere ganger dyrere Sennheiser HD-800 (som jeg ikke har fått lyttet til ennå)
Anmelderen, som kaller seg dalethorn, har postet mer eller mindre samme tekst på ganske mange fora. Jeg tror jeg fant minst 3-4 for et par uker siden. Et googlesøk på "Shure SRH-940 dalethorn" gav bl.a. følgende:
Noen på Head-Fi har også lagt merke til dalethorns vidtspredte omtale(r) av Shure SRH-940:
9/6/11 at 7:55am oldshoe99
Quote:Originally Posted by extrabigmehdi
This review is copy/pasted in at least six major website, it's hard to miss it. The fact that the hd800 is tested straight out of an ipod is questionable.
That review discusses the reason for ipod tests and also notes the results when amped.
9/6/11 at 7:59am oldshoe99
Quote: Originally Posted by donunus
Oh I think you are talking about Dalethorn. Hes the guy that reviewed the Shures against the hd800. I am a different guy. I commented on the post comparing against my dt48e and hd600.
The Malveaux review is a good contrast to the Dale review. One discusses more the absolutes of the sound playing various music and the other does mostly comparisons. I learned from both.
9/6/11 at 9:10am extrabigmehdi
Quote: Originally Posted by donunus
Oh I think you are talking about Dalethorn. Hes the guy that reviewed the Shures against the hd800. I am a different guy. I commented on the post comparing against my dt48e and hd600.
Yes, 200poundsofamp linked to the review, and then he said to look at the comments instead. Sorry if this was confusing.
Quote: Originally Posted by oldshoe99
That review discusses the reason for ipod tests and also notes the results when amped.
Yeah, but some people that tried both the srh940 & hd800 are just not convinced by the review. The discussion was like: "the srh940 similar to the hd800 ? no way !". Anyway, I tested my srh940 out of a cowon s9, and it wasn't as good as from a true sound card, i.e in my case a xonar stx. So I imagine that testing BOTH the srh940 & hd800 out of an ipod could lead to an unfair review.
Dette er (antagelig) en ganske god og balansert oppsummering ang. Shure SRH-940:
9/7/11 at 4:41am MalVeauX
Quote: Originally Posted by ac500
I'm reading everywhere that these (Shure 940) are probably some of the best sound quality headphones under $1000, with that one review comparing them to HD 800's (is this crazy or is the 940 really this good?). What I'd like to know is, if this is true, why are the 940's so apparently unpopular? For example this thread is just 6 pages compared to other headphone appreciation page's 100, 200, or 300+ pages.
Anyhow I ordered SRH-940s, should arrive today
. I'm looking forward to listening to them.
The SRH940 is not as good over all as the HD800, nor several other flag ships that cost three times as much. However, the SRH940 does match aspects of several of the high-end flags. After comparing them myself (and re-purchasing the SRH940 twice now), the highs and mids are simply gorgeous. I've got a pair of $900 headphones on right now that still don't do acoustic the way the SRH940 does. The SRH940 is not perfect, not at all. But for various genres, it's an amazingly good flagship from Shure. The highs & mids are why you get this headphone. Also, sound stage. This closed headphone actually has an impressive sound stage. It's not cramped, but it's also not overly artificially expanded (such as the way HD800 and K701 does). The SRH940 is not a flagship $1k headphone giant killer. But, if someone is looking for a headphone for genres like female vocals, acoustic, indie, folk, jazz and classical (both symphonic and simply piano/cello ensembles) that sounds like high-end without a high-end price, that's where the SRH940 comes in. This is of course merely my opinion. And I say that as someone with high-end and SRH940's.
Very best,
Jeg sammenlignet aldri Shure SRH-940 med Sennheiser HD 800, men mange har skrevet at den kan betraktes som en forbedret AKG K 701, og det er det en god del sannhet i. Mitt inntrykk (uten grundig A-B) er at det er betydelige likheter mellom Shure SRH-940 og AKG K 701.
Det kan se ut som om ulike omtaler av Shure SRH-940 og sammenligninger med andre hodetelefoner er basert på bruk med meget forskjellige "hodetelfonforsterkere", alt fra iPod og lydkort til dyre hodetelefonforsterkere. Selv brukte jeg altså kun Grace Design m903. Det var neppe den som var begrensningen i mitt tilfelle. Jeg er noe mer usikker for enkelte av de andre skribentene.