Forskjellene jeg beskriver ovenfor mellom driverne skyldes ikke at den ene er rørbasert og den andre transistorbasert. Det skyldes, som sagt, at de tilhører ulike serier/kvalitetsnivåer.
6mmons konkluderer i "
STAX SR-303/SRM-313 vs. SR-404/SRM-006t" med drivere i en rimeligere serie at forskjellen er liten, og at det dreier seg om smak og behag, og at prisforskjellen vil avgjøre for de fleste:
The 006t's XLR input offers no sonic performance advantages over its single-ended terminals, nor does it incur the expected 6dB increase in gain. The only real advantage the more expensive Signature system enjoys over the Classic in my estimation? Compatibility with balanced sources that do sound better in that hookup or don't feature any RCA outputs at all. The sonic differences are subtle as described and not a matter of quality as pricing might indicate. Rather, they are a mild function of listener bias, with this tube hound actually preferring the 3030. That makes the Classic system the clear winner in my book.
I [...] enthusiastically recommend the SR-303/SRM-313 Series II combo to music lovers who are still looking.