Joda, men var ikke temaet 'Hvorfor og hvordan Extrema forårsaker ugunstige returstrømmer' ?funbunny skrev:Jada!! Jeg vet det. Snakker fremdeles om slaven jeg vettu. Det er du som snakker om sine-cap ;-)Distinctive skrev:Sine-cap er den kondensatorløse løsningen for tweeter - ikke slaven.funbunny skrev:Jeg skjønner at det kommer returstrøm, det er ikke der jeg har problemer med å forstå. Det jeg ikke forstår er at et slaveelement i en toveiskonstruksjon skal gi mere returstrøm enn eks. mitt 5-veis oppsett gjør...???
Her er en forklaring jeg gjorde for SF club Int.:
< Here is how the 5 pos. switch works:
The adjustment of the 5 position switch on the back actually has nothing to do with the sine cap (I can explain sine cap later). Firstly, the mass of the slave bass from KEF/TDL has been increased by adding a heavy weight to it. Secondly, the function of the steel cover in front of the woofer is to dampen the airflow (acoustic load). The woofer has no electric signal attached to it, but are driven by the acoustic sound waves produced within the cabinet bringing it to a highly controlled resonance of 35Hz purely by the energy of the mid range motion/strokes. The whole idea with the 5 pos. switch is to select different resistors that short circuit the slave magnet coil less or more and thus be able to control to what extent the slave is brought into resonance. The end result is depending on how much the slave assist the mid range in the subsonic area and therefore the subsonic abilities can be adjusted to suit your needs in your listening surroundings (i.e. room).
So, as previously stated, the 5 pos. switch and the slave unit have nothing to do with the sine cap. The principle behind the sine cap is a replacement of the capacitor in series with the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter with a coil in paralell with it. Also a resistor in series is used (this is the cooling ribs you see close to the 5 pos. switch).
Hope this explaination was understandable.
My experience with the 5 pos. selector is that pos. 4-5 is best for movies, but for serious listening I prefer pos. 3 which makes a pretty seamless result with my Gravis sub. >