Yes, just get an adaptor for speaker male -> XLR female. This is also safer because when you insert your XLR male into this adapter, the ground goes in first. Mine even has a jumper at the end, because the H20 has bi-wiring capabilities 
Just be careful with the volume, of course- in between your DAC and your Power Amp you'll need a preamp for volume control, but then you're all set.
On the other hand if you're using the H160 integrated, then just get the adaptor, you don't even need to worry about the pre!
PS, I also have the Taurus MKII. It's a nice headphone amp- clear, revealing, just a bit bright, but treble is not piercing so that's nice. The Hegel (driven from the Taurus' preout, no less) sounds expansive, stronger, smoother, and has deeper, more textured bass. I definitely prefer the latter.
Example of the adaptor (not mine):
Just be careful with the volume, of course- in between your DAC and your Power Amp you'll need a preamp for volume control, but then you're all set.
On the other hand if you're using the H160 integrated, then just get the adaptor, you don't even need to worry about the pre!
PS, I also have the Taurus MKII. It's a nice headphone amp- clear, revealing, just a bit bright, but treble is not piercing so that's nice. The Hegel (driven from the Taurus' preout, no less) sounds expansive, stronger, smoother, and has deeper, more textured bass. I definitely prefer the latter.
Example of the adaptor (not mine):