Greetings humans, I am Ziltoid...the omniscient.
I have come from far across the omniverse.
You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of coffee...
You have five Earth minutes,
Make it perfect!
You have not convinced mighty Ziltoid,
I am so omniscient; if there were to be two omniscience's
I would be both!
Prepare yourselves for the subjugation!
[Ziltoid:] Commander...
[Commander:] Yes Captain Ziltoid!
[Ziltoid:] Have the humans delivered their ultimate cup of coffee?
[Commander:] I have it right here, sir.
[Ziltoid:] Yes...
[Ziltoid drinks the coffee]
[Ziltoid:] FETID! How dare they present this to me! FOUL! They hide their finest bean! Prepare the attack!
Sånn går det når den ultimate kaffe blir gitt meg slik at det finnes en god grunn til å stå opp. Kaffe fins det noe bedre en en god kopp kaffe om morgenen, bortsett fra en kopp til?