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Som jeg skulle ha sagt det selv, he. Nydelig plate!Review by Ken Dryden
By the time this recording was issued in 1995, Niels Pedersen had long since been acknowledged as one of the premiere jazz bassists in the world. This CD is a bit different from his earlier dates as a leader, as it starts off with a suite for solo bass and string orchestra (scored by Ole Kock Hansen) of various Norwegian, Islandic, and Swedish folk songs, along with one piece by Carl Nielsen. Pedersen's solo interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's "Sonata No. 1 in G, Presto" is breathtaking even though it is over in under a minute. No less amazing are his solo compositions, which include the intricate "Samba Petit" and the melodious "En Yndig Og Frydeful Sommertid" which has a second overdubbed bassline. There are two tracks featuring the bassist with Hansen on piano: "Kenny" is a bittersweet tune which was likely written as a memorial tribute to Kenny Drew (who Pedersen had worked with on numerous occasions), while "Befael Du Dine Veje" is a lovely traditional tune jointly arranged by the two men. The only shortcoming is minor; no translations of the titles are given. Although this release is off the beaten path of Pedersen's small group recordings, anyone who enjoys this virtuoso bassist will greatly enjoy this CD.
en fullstendig nytelse ja!This track is dedicated to Johannes, the eldest brother of Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen, who died earlier that year. NHØP's composition is a theme in 6/8 consisting of quietly moving figures with an interesting bassline, the song beautiful in its simplicity. NHØP carries the melody with a sparse accompaniment by Swedish guitarist Ulf Wakenius and drummer Adam Nussbaum, after which Wakenius takes over with a great solo that builds in dynamics and intensity. He is succeeded by NHØP, whose own solo is just as fine, an emotional statement blending singable phrases and virtuosic runs. Throughout, Nussbaum is highly attentive, making this track - and the entire album - a complete pleasure.
Sa du Pesquera om Keith Jarretts Paris/London -Testament....og det var akkurat noe slikt jeg tenkte da jeg hørte på den første (og andre og tredje osv) gang. Men, jeg hadde nok brukt en hel masse overflødige ord for å få sagt det samme. Så...well done!Pesquera skrev:Ikke en note for mye, ikke en note for lite bare ren og essensiell ekspresjonisme.
Trail of Dreams: A Canadian Suite is hardly a typical Oscar Peterson album. This time, the Canadian pianist doesn't play any standards and doesn't take a bop-oriented approach; in fact, Trail of Dreams isn't a straight-ahead jazz album but rather combines jazz with elements of pop, classical, and symphonic music. Recorded in April 2000, this CD finds Peterson joining forces with Michel Legrand, who conducts a lush 24-piece string orchestra. Legrand is famous for composing gems like "You Must Believe in Spring" and "Once Upon a Summertime," but the French icon doesn't do any composing on this album; his role is strictly that of a conductor/arranger, and all of the writing was done by Peterson himself. The compositions were meant to paint an aural picture of Peterson's native Canada; they were inspired by places that range from Quebec in eastern Canada to British Columbia in the western part of the country. The music is generally likable, and even though Peterson doesn't have a great deal of room to stretch out and improvise, he manages to get in some decent solos here and there. Nonetheless, Trail of Dreams never pretends to be a hardcore bop date, which is why it's pointless to judge the CD by bop standards. This release isn't recommended to bop snobs, although more broad-minded listeners will find it to be an interesting, if imperfect, departure for the veteran pianist.
Den er fin. Og denne!donnerwetter skrev:Go'plate![]()
Sa donnerwetter om "We get Requests" med The Oscar Peterson Trio, en av mine favorittplater.donnerwetter skrev:Go'plate![]()
(min uthevning)This is an interesting CD, one of many taken from the concerts sponsored by Pablo Records at the 1977 Montreux Jazz Festival. Pianist Oscar Peterson is teamed in an unusual trio with both Ray Brown and Niels Pedersen on basses. Sticking to standards and two blues on the boppish set, Peterson allows both of his sidemen plenty of solo space, permitting listeners to compare the large tone of Brown with the speedy fingers of Pedersen.
Ja, enig! Kjøpte den på vinyl til 109 kr. på Platekomp. før jul, og har spilt den og A Love Supreme ganske mye i det siste. Disse Impulse-pressingene er fine, i alle fall til prisen.Todd skrev:Lazy lørdag kveld, denne på stereo'n....nydelig....
Terje Lie: Urban Vacationeddie1 skrev:Min bror Terje Lie har gitt ut en ny plate som heter "Urban Vacation" har ikke hørt så mye jazz men synes det er en behagelig plate å lytte til...