Hi-Fi freak
Litt mer norsk...
Vognmannen leverte nettopp denne..1» ren glede! Bare få ryddet huset tomt så den kan nytes..Takk til NesoddenDenne gikk meg helt under radaren ved utgivelse! Skammer meg som en hund....Helt fantastisk plate!!! Har bøtet bort skammen med en kopi i fysisk format på vei med budbil....
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Nemlig!Den nye Craft reissu'en er yummi !
Synes mono mixen er bra jeg da.Steve Hoffman skrev:The Sonny Rollins stereo tape is much more open sounding than the mono. Why? The stereo Ampex 350-2 octal was newer than the old mono 350 in design and had a better sound. I've heard both reels, the binaural and the full track mono and if I had to do a mono mastering of this album I'd use the stereo tape and combine the channels. It's that much better than the mono tape.
This was one of the last Contemporary albums to have a dedicated mono mix. Later on they just decided to fold-down the stereo tape to mono for cutting.