Jeg tror ikke folk har helt klart for seg hva man har med å gjøre her. Men en rapport gir nok mer innsikt i deres hensikter og metoder enn de vil skal være kjent for publikum som tror dette er en gjeng med småsøte grønne aktivister som vil oss alle vel og driver med litt sivil ulydighet. Det er mye mørkere og farligere enn som så.
Overvåkningspolitiet i UK er klar i sin tale.
Former UK intelligence chief: Extinction Rebellion wants to ‘break up the state’
In a report published Wednesday by Policy Exchange, Richard Walton, former head of the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command, accused Extinction Rebellion of seeking "the breakdown of democracy and the state."
Executive Summary
• Extinction Rebellion was formed in 2018 when a group of radical
activists devised a strategy for a new environmentalist campaign,
leading to the launch of a Declaration of Rebellion in October at a
rally in Parliament Square.
• Extinction Rebellion rejects both our representative democracy and
the liberal free market economy and explicitly seeks to overturn
both; its leading figures have been clear that these objectives are
indivisible from their demands on the environment. For instance,
Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Declaration of Rebellion’ states: “We,
in alignment with our consciences and our reasoning, declare
ourselves in rebellion against our government and the corrupted,
inept institutions that threaten our future… the wilful complicity
displayed by our Government has shattered meaningful democracy
and cast aside the common interest in favour of short-term gain
and private profits”.
• Extinction Rebellion has won significant public attention, has
rallied tens of thousands of followers to join in its protests over
consecutive days, has established hundreds of local groups across
the country and internationally and has been able to implement its
desired strategy of law-breaking and disruption.
• Extinction Rebellion is not an organisation but rather a campaign
of a pre-existing network of activists called Rising Up! —the
campaigning arm of a company called Compassionate Revolution
Ltd. These two organisations, which sit behind the Extinction
Rebellion campaign, have their origins in the anti-globalisation
Occupy Movement.
• Extinction Rebellion rejects a policy of seeking growth from a
capitalist model of economics and promotes an ideology of ‘post
capitalism’ and ‘de-growth’ as a means to reduce consumption
and a greater degree of economic redistribution, which they
acknowledge will result in a reduction of living standards.
• Extinction Rebellion espouses a ‘civil resistance’ strategy of mass
protests involving large numbers of the public who are encouraged
to break the law, cause serious social and economic disruption and
place a burden on police resources.
• Extinction Rebellion’s strategy emphasises the importance of its
protests maintaining disruption over many consecutive days in
order to achieve economic damage to a city. Its leadership believes
that the economic costs of protest increase exponentially day by day.
• Extinction Rebellion’s execution of its strategy has put pressure on
UK policing resources and tactics, exposing weaknesses in existing
legislation for policing protest and diverting police resources away
from addressing other crime challenges. Extinction Rebellion’s
ten-day protest in London in April of this year is estimated to have
cost the Metropolitan Police £16 million in resources and involved
the deployment of 10,000 police officers over the two weeks.
• Extinction Rebellion’s tactics have caused serious economic and
social disruption to London. The impact of the first week of their
protests during April 2019 was estimated to have cost shops £12
million in lost takings and to have delayed 500,000 commuters
attempting to travel on London’s road and transport system.
• While Extinction Rebellion espouses non-violent tactics, its leaders
have considered using drones to disrupt flights at Heathrow Airport
with the intention of bringing the airport to a standstill. Had they
pursued this action the public would have been put at risk and
the campaigners may have crossed the threshold into a terrorism
offence. Given the extreme objectives of Extinction Rebellion,
therefore, it is not inconceivable that some on the fringes of
the movement might at some point break with organisational
discipline and engage in violence.
• A leading figure in Extinction Rebellion, Roger Hallam, has spoken
about people dying for its cause. In an address to one audience, he
said: “we are not just sending out e-mails and asking for donations.
We are going to force the governments to act. And if they don’t, we
will bring them down and create a democracy fit for purpose…
and yes, some may die in the process”.
• The social media accounts of Compassionate Revolution Ltd.
and Rising Up! reveal notable examples of extremist content
including conspiracy theories. In the case of the Compassionate
Revolutionaries Facebook page, some of these have included
concerning instances of anti-Semitism.
• Extinction Rebellion has stated that it is majority funded through
crowdfunding, but its accounts show that is has also received some
sizeable donations from wealthy individuals, foundations and
businesses such as Lush Cosmetics Ltd.
• Politicians across political parties have shown a willingness to
legitimise the leadership of Extinction Rebellion, meeting with
them and committing to support some of their demands.
• The police response to law-breaking by demonstrators must be
far more proactive in enforcing laws that relate to public protest,
preventing Extinction Rebellion and other political activists
from embarking on illegal tactics that cause mass disruption and and the financial and social impact
on businesses and the public.
significant economic damage.
• Legislation relating to public protest needs to be urgently reformed
in order to strengthen the ability of the police to place restrictions
on planned protest and deal more effectively with mass lawbreaking tactics (including incitement and conspiracy offences)
such as road and bridge blocking, aggravated trespass and criminal
• The Crown Prosecution Service should prosecute all those engaged
in law-breaking relating to public protest in order to uphold the
rule of law, support the ‘public interest’ and deter others from
illegal protest.
• Politicians and public figures should avoid endorsing, legitimising,
or meeting with Extinction Rebellion, in particular whilst its
leadership continues to encourage and incite law-breaking in
furtherance of their political aims.
• The Commission for Countering Extremism should ensure that
far left, anarchist and environmentalist extremism are sufficiently
recognised and challenged within a wider national strategy on
• The Home Office should audit the financial cost of the unlawful
protest activity that is being undertaken by Extinction Rebellion,
including the cost of policing
Richard Walton is a Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange. A former Head
of the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command (SO15) between
2011-2016 he spent the majority of his thirty-year policing career in the
counter-terrorism field. Richard was Head of Counter Terrorism for London
during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and London Olympic and Paralympic
Games in 2012. He is currently founder and Director of Counter Terrorism
Global Ltd, a company that facilitates the design and implementation of
solutions for countering terrorism and extremism to governments, private
corporations and NGOs. He has travelled extensively to countries affected
by terrorism, providing advice to governments in South and South-East
Asia, the Middle East and East Africa. He lectures in the UK and is a regular
key note speaker at international conferences on counter-terrorism and
counter-extremism He is an on-air Counter Terrorism commentator for
CBS News and regularly presents on British and international media
networks. Richard is a Distinguished Fellow at the Royal United Services
Institute (RUSI). He holds a BSc Hons degree in Policing and Police Studies
from Portsmouth University and a MSc in International Relations from the
London School of Economics (LSE).
Tom Wilson is a Senior Research Fellow in the Security and Extremism Unit
at Policy Exchange. Tom specialises in the study of extremist groups and
counter-terrorism strategy. His previous research has focused on the growth
of extremism in the UK as well as terrorist organisations in the Middle East.
He regularly appears on broadcast media and written for various national
and international publications including the New York Times, the Telegraph, the
Independent, the Spectator, Standpoint, and The National Interest. His recent study
Terrorism In The West: An Age of Extremes was published in November 2018.